When Luke Tried to Cut Hannah Off—It's The Bachelorette Moment Everyone Is Talking About

The reality star took issue with her suitor's confidence level

By Chris Harnick May 28, 2019 1:20 PMTags
The BacheloretteABC

Hannah Brown did not come to play. The Bachelorette star was not afraid to speak her mind—and shut down an eager man.

"It's annoying when Luke P., like, tries to flaunt our connection in front of the guys. There have just been some, like, little red flags about how he carries himself that bothers me a little bit. It's like this fine line that I really think is attractive to, like, it's the most unattractive thing I've seen in my life," Hannah told cameras on The Bachelorette's Monday, May 27 episode.

In their one-on-one, Luke P. praised Hannah for how amazing she was.

"I mean, I look at you, and you are beyond special to me," Luke said. "And you do fit, like, the perfect mold of what I've been wanting my whole life in a future wife. And here I am letting other guys develop a stronger connection, a stronger relationship with you. I get to see you put everything you have in each and every individual relationship. I don't know, I really don't think these guys just have what it takes to be your future husband."

Hannah then broke it down and told him nothing, including her, is promised to him—despite their strong connection.

"That bothers me a lot. I feel like your confidence in this kind of makes me irritated in a way," she said.

And then Luke did a no-no.

"Well, look, can I just cut you off for a second?" he asked. "Honestly, I'm happy we're having this conversation."

But Hannah didn't let that fly.

"Yeah, hold on. Let me talk," she said. "I want you to, like, focus on me, and you do that, but you also don't respect that I do have other relationships here for me and that bothers me. I like confidence, but it's like, cocky in a way and I don't like that at all. I want it to change."

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Luke seemed to get the message…or did he?

In the episode before, Luke admitted he was starting to fall in love with Hannah. While on E!'s Daily Pop, Hannah revealed what she was thinking at that moment.

"When he was saying that, I was like, ‘Oh god. You're about to say it. Oh, please don't. Oh, you are. Oh, you did. You did, you said it.' It's still shock. We had a very instant connection and I think it was nice for me to hear that he had feelings for me," Hannah said. "I didn't know they were that strong, but I couldn't help but smile to know that he had feelings for me because I had feelings for him in a capacity. So, yeah, I did smile. I cheesed a little bit."

But his confession didn't set off any alarm bells for Hannah.

"It didn't really scare me because it had worked in a previous relationship, so I think that's one thing I should probably let people know," she told Daily Pop's Morgan Stewart and Carissa Culiner.

ABC reality chief Rob Mills told Variety Luke would be controversial.

"There are shades of Chad there. But I don't want to call him a ‘villain,' because I don't know that we necessarily have villains anymore — there are a lot more shades of gray," Mills said. "Whether he's in love with Hannah or not, he believes he's in love with her, almost from the very beginning. So he's not necessarily a bad guy, but he is a controversial guy."

See how it plays out when The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

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