Gretchen Rossi Fires Back After Being Criticized for Not Sharing Photos of Baby

Real Housewives alum returned to social media to send a message to her trolls

By Jess Cohen Jul 16, 2019 10:12 PMTags
Watch: Pregnant Gretchen Rossi Is Nervous About 1 Aspect of Motherhood

Gretchen Rossi is sending a message to her haters.

The Real Housewives of Orange County alum, who welcomed daughter Skylar Gray with beau Slade Smiley last week, returned to social media to give her critics a piece of her mind. Since welcoming her daughter via a C-section, Gretchen had been taking time away from social media, which apparently did not sit well with some of her followers.

In the comments of her posts, many haters started to criticize Gretchen for not sharing photos of her newborn child. After seeing the comments, Gretchen took to her Instagram to post a series of messages, telling her haters to "suck it."

Pregnant Gretchen Rossi Is Nervous About 1 Aspect of Motherhood

"Thank you to all of you who have been so wonderful, understanding and supportive while we have taken some time away from social media to bond with Baby Skylar (and while I recovered from Major Abdominal Surgery)," Gretchen wrote. "Pictures of Baby Sky coming soon! We took like a million and I just haven't been focused on going through them yet....because obviously I have been a little pre-occupied and busy with our precious baby girl!"

Gretchen also took to her Instagram Story to write, "I got back on my social today for the first time in six days after having major abdominal surgery and bringing a new life into this world, and I have to say I was not only shocked by some of the comments on my last post but super hurt and disappointed by some of your guys attitude about how I have not shared pictures quite yet, and the attitude that I owe you something. First let's be clear I don't owe any of you who are making these ridiculous comments anything."

"Second I was in the hospital recovering from a major surgery for 4 days and 3 nights, was in a ton of pain because of what had to happen during surgery..not to mention all the while being a brand new first time Mom and having to take care of a newborn, and learning how to breastfeed..all the while being emotional and physically exhausted," Gretchen continued. "I have to say it was honestly one of the most difficult things I have ever had to navigate. So I was certainly in no way thinking about or concerned about posting on my social media. Also we really wanted to take some time to bond and get to know our little girl!! To me that is called being a good Mom!"


The new mom went on to tell her haters "get off" her page if they're going to make "ridiculous, rude or false comments" about why she hasn't posted yet.

"My number one focus is that of my daughter and her well-being and also my well-being so I can be the best breastfeeding Mommy I can be," Gretchen wrote. "The audacity some of you have to make comments and false assumptions about why I haven't posted a picture yet, is quite honestly gross and hurts my heart. This is my page and our journey with our daughter. I love sharing it with those that can appreciate and respect that. So if you have a problem with the way I am going about it then please click unfollow!"

"For all of you who have left beautiful kind messages thank you from the bottom of my heart, (for knowing my true heart) and giving us space to post on our own time while we bond with our baby girl!" Gretchen concluded her post. "Pictures are coming soon, we took a million of course and I just have not even been focused on even looking through them quite yet. I love sharing our journey with all of you who have been super supportive and wonderful throughout this whole journey."

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