Grey's Anatomy Halts Production Over Coronavirus: Read the Letter Sent to Cast and Crew

Grey's Anatomy joins a growing number of television shows suspending production as the coronavirus outbreak spreads.

By McKenna Aiello Mar 13, 2020 2:20 AMTags
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You'll want to scrub in for this Grey's Anatomy news. 

Production on Season 16 of the ABC medical drama was halted Thursday over growing concerns surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. In a letter to the cast and crew obtained by E! News, showrunner Krista Vernoff and executive producers Debbie Allen and James D. Parriott explained their decision. 

"To Our Incredible Cast and Crew," it read, "Out of an abundance of caution, production is postponed on Grey's Anatomy effective immediately. We are going home now for at least two weeks and waiting to see how the coronavirus situation evolves."

"This decision was made to ensure the health and safety of the whole cast and crew and the safety of our loved ones outside of work, and it was made in accordance with Mayor Garcetti's suggestion that we not gather in groups of more than 50."

Earlier today, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti ordered the cancellation or postponement of all non-essential events that require close contact between more than 50 individuals at a time. 

How the Coronavirus Is Impacting Hollywood and Entertainment

"Stay safe, stay healthy, stay hydrated, stay home as much as possible, and wash your hands frequently. Please take care of yourselves and each other. As updates come in, we will keep you informed," the note concluded.


Grey's Anatomy joins a growing number of television shows temporarily shutting down to help further prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

That list includes Riverdale, which shut down production in Vancouver after a team member came in contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus, as well as The Morning ShowSurvivorThe Amazing Race and other late-night programming. 

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