Let Chrissy Teigen Show You How to Make the Most Out of Staying Home

In this time of necessary social distancing, let Chrissy Teigen show you how to enjoy the comforts of your own home.

By Billy Nilles Mar 17, 2020 1:00 PMTags

We are living in unique times.

Public entertainment spaces like bars, movie theaters and bowling alleys have been ordered closed. Gyms are closing their doors. And folks across the country are being asked to do their part to help curtail the spread of COVID-19, otherwise known as coronavirus, by practicing social distancing and staying at home as much as they possibly can.

But just because we're all changing our behaviors doesn't mean we have to descend into abject boredom. 

In fact, if you do it right, staying home for the next few weeks while health officials work to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible can actually be comforting and even enjoyable. All it takes it a little creativity. Lucky for us, social media queen Chrissy Teigen has been showing us how to make the most out of being at home for quite some time now. Her amusing snapshots of home life with hubby John Legend and adorable kiddos Luna and Miles are all the inspiration you need, proof that we'll all be able to get through not just surviving, but thriving.

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To start, make sure you're well-rested. Not only is a proper amount of sleep great for your immune system, but it'll also help keep your mood balanced, ready to handle whatever else might be thrown your way with a sense of both calm and (hopefully) good humor.

Not only that, but make time in your day for some sort of physical activity. Just because you can't go to the gym doesn't mean you can't find ways to get your heart rate up! There are plenty of fitness apps that'll provide you with at-home workout guides that require little to no equipment, while many yoga studios are beginning to offer virtual classes. 

Remember that social distancing doesn't mean we shouldn't go outdoors. Getting fresh air is key to keeping our wits about us, especially if you've got little ones at home. If weather permits and you've got a yard, let them roam around for a bit. And if you don't, a quick walk around the block works wonders. (Just make sure to maintain a 6 ft. distance from anyone outside the family unit you happen to pass by.)

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Keep it comfy! If you don't want to change out of your robe and pajamas right away, you don't have to. Even if it becomes a distraction to your fur-legged friends.

This age of Peak TV is finally proving useful. With so much content out there just waiting for you on the various streaming platforms, there must be a list of shows and movies you've been meaning to check out when you have the time. Well, now you do. Start crossing them off. (Teasing your significant other when they can't hang is optional.)

Experiment in the kitchen by baking up something sweet the whole household can share. Chances are you've got all of the ingredients in your pantry and fridge anyway. 

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Self-care is important! Treat yourself to an afternoon or evening of spa treatments.

If you want to make sure it's not screen time all the time during this period, arrange a family pet talent show. Who knows what hidden talents you might discover?

Blow off some excess steam with a karaoke dance party. Music and a good laugh will both soothe the soul in times of stress and strife. 

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And when all else fails, surround yourself with doggos and kitties. If you don't have any four-legged friends and have been considering getting one, now is a great time to consider adopting or even fostering a pet in need of a home. 

For more tips or just a good laugh, be sure to keep an eye on Chrissy's social media. And stay healthy (and sane) out there!

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