Ben Platt Reacts to Dear Evan Hansen Movie Rumors

While visiting The Tonight Show, Ben Platt weighed in on rumors that a Dear Evan Hansen film is in the works and if he'll be making an appearance in it.

By emily belfiore Jun 25, 2020 12:15 PMTags
Watch: Ben Platt Gushes Over Gwyneth Paltrow & Ryan Murphy

Ben Platt is setting the record straight.

During his virtual visit to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, The Politician star addressed the likelihood of a Dear Evan Hansen movie, and whether or not he'd make a cameo. 

"Well, we're kind of in this weird, like, COVID limbo where anything can happen," he told host Jimmy Fallon. "It's something we've definitely been trying to get together and make happen. I know Universal really wants to make the film. It's kind of a toss-up at this point just based on can we do it safely? Can we get it together in time?"

"Some of us are getting a little long in the tooth, so I think it's like kind of a now or never kind of thing," Platt continued. "But I'm hopeful that it can come together and we can find this way to do it. You'll be the first to know, but as of now it could go either way. But I think it could be a beautiful thing, so we'll see."

Ben Platt's Career Evolution

Referencing Disney+'s decision to make the stage production of Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton available to stream, Fallon chimed in, "People would love it. I mean, I think once people see what's gonna happen with Hamilton, every movie is going, ‘Yeah, we should have filmed this.'"


Switching gears, the duo also discussed season 2 of The Politician, which the Pitch Perfect star said delivers some pertinent messages. 

"It's obviously somewhat fantastical and the nice thing about it coming out in this moment is that it's pretty much an escape," he explained. "I mean, there's a few things that obviously are relevant. There's an episode about cancel culture and there's a bit about activating young people to vote, which I think is really powerful; fantastic message. But other than that, it's just really kooky, bizarre, fun, sharp." 

Rob Latour/Shutterstock

Fallon also mentioned Platt's efforts to inspire change on social media through encouraging his followers to educate themselves on racial justice.

Speaking to recent events, Platt said, "I think it's been incredibly eye-opening for me the way it has been for everybody in a lot of different ways, particularly white people. I think that it's been a really important thing to come with the terms with the difference between just avoiding being an active racist and being an active anti-racist."

"I think figuring out the difference between actively an ally and accomplice versus just sort of being neutral is really important and something that goes overlooked, particularly in something that's so systemic and so pervasive," he continued. "And I think no matter how pure your intentions or sort of how benevolent you feel as a white person, there is just something innate and inherent that we have to kind of take ownership of and sort of act against. And so, that's been a really nice wake-up call, I think."

Adding how he's been an ally to the Black community, Platt concluded, "And for me, it's just been all about making sure I'm amplifying the right voices—the Black leaders and activists that have been fighting this same fight for a lot longer than just these last couple months and who know a lot more about the ins and outs of all of this than we do—and making sure those voices we're following and listening to and not speaking before I understand what I'm really saying."

(E! and NBC are both part of the NBC Universal family.) 

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