Clare Crawley "Likes" Tweets That Hint At the Real Reason For Her Blowout Exit

By now, Bachelor Nation fans know that Tayshia Adams is expected to swoop in and replace Clare Crawley. But why? Clare's latest Twitter activity just gave us a major hint.

By Jonathan Borge Oct 26, 2020 2:45 PMTags

Ladies, gentlemen and non-binary Bachelor Nation fanatics: the moment—the only moment—is fast approaching.

Three weeks into season 16 of The Bachelorette, we've learned so much about Clare Crawley's search for love. The major takeaways? A) She appears to be in love with Dale Moss. B) Dale Moss is certainly the one. C) Does anyone but Dale Moss have a chance at winning this game?

Just in case you need a refresher: In early August, multiple sources confirmed to E! News that Clare will be replaced by Bachelor in Paradise alum Tayshia Adams at some point during her explosive, unlike-any-other season. The signs are all there and every single teaser dropped by ABC hints at an exit that, in Chris Harrison's words, will "blow up" The Bachelorette.

"The producers have told her that the season will still lead with Clare and her short-lived journey and will show Clare falling in love with one of her suitors," an insider told E!. "Clare will then conclude her journey and announce that Tayshia is the lead."

What We Learned Doing a Deep Dive Into All of Clare Crawley’s Bachelorette Suitors. You're Welcome.

While we'd rather stay away from spoilers and learn how, exactly, Clare's exit goes down while watching, her social media activity is adding new rumors to the conversation. Over the weekend, Clare took to Twitter to like one fan's tweets that offer a new theory about her exit: She was given the axe. 

"I think they were trying to force her out on some real," user Marietou Sangare wrote in her first tweet, which Clare liked using her verified account. "It was reported that she quit 12 days after filming and she locked herself in her room and wouldn't come out, which was hard to believe considering how bad she wanted it."

The tweet continued, "And I really feel like they are giving her a bad edit (just my opinion). They are feeding into the narrative and the rumors and making it seem like it was Clares decision that this ended and i feel like that's not the case." 

In another tweet that Clare liked, Marietou speculated that Tayshia was already at the filming location under quarantine before any of the official exit drama went down. Clare also liked a tweet that read: "Production knows exactly what they were doing. They've never had a lead just ‘quit' and with how excited and how bad Clare wanted this, I doubt it. They were ready with a back up and as soon as they found out that Clare was into Dale it was a wrap."



Recently, Clare cleared the air on Instagram about a sparkly ring spotted on that finger. While some fans speculated it certainly pointed to signs of an engagement to Dale, Clare revealed the ring is actually a symbol of self-love.

"This is my promise to myself, to make sure I always had enough self love that no matter what happened," she wrote. "I was committed to loving myself unconditionally, and that is something no man could take away from me."

For now, we'll continue scratching our heads until everything gets revealed on air.

The Bachelorette airs every Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

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