Olive Garden Has the Best Response to Taylor Swift's evermore Shout-Out

Olive Garden took to Twitter after getting name-checked on Taylor Swift's new evermore track "no body, no crime," featuring the Haim sisters.

By Kaitlin Reilly Dec 11, 2020 6:16 PMTags
Watch: Taylor Swift's "Evermore" Album Decoded: All Hidden Easter Eggs

No body, no crime—just breadsticks. Olive Garden is thrilled to be a part of the Swiftverse. 

On Dec. 11, Taylor Swift dropped her ninth studio album evermore, and with it, her very first collaboration with friends and tour mates Alana, Este and Danielle Haim. The track, a twisted murder tune called "no body, no crime," name-checks Este as a woman murdered by her husband, who Taylor's character then offs in an act of revenge. However, it's not just Este that Taylor names in the song: Italian chain restaurant Olive Garden also gets a shout-out, as the spot where Este is supposed to be on Tuesday nights.

"Este wasn't there Tuesday night at Olive Gardеn," Swift sings on the track. "At her job or anywhere."

After hearing the name-check, fans took to social media to ask the food chain about the honor. "HOW WE FEELING MISS SWIFY JUST NAME DROPPED Y'ALL," a fan tweeted at the restaurant. 

The official Olive Garden Twitter account responded with an iconic Legally Blonde quote: "What, like it's hard?"

In response to another fan's excitement, the restaurant tweeted, "We're listening, (to track 6) on replay— eating our feelings in breadsticks."

When asked by a follower what their favorite evermore track was, they stated the obvious with a winking emoji: "You already know the answer to this." 

Inside Taylor Swift's Impressive 2020

How did Olive Garden make its way into a Taylor track in the first place? It's all thanks to Este. 


The Grammy winner told Entertainment Weekly that Este was the friend who would be thrilled to be included in a murder mystery song, hence the reason Taylor chose to name drop her on the track. She didn't let Este know, however, until the song was completely written.

"I had finished the song and was nailing down some lyric details and texted her, 'You're not going to understand this text for a few days but... which chain restaurant do you like best?' and I named a few," the 30-year-old explained. "She chose Olive Garden and a few days later I sent her the song and asked if they would sing on it. It was an immediate 'YES.'"


While Este meets a dark fate in the song, in real life, it was an ideal collaboration. As Taylor joked, "Long story short, I'm the 4th Haim sister now, confirmed."

And as they say at the Olive Garden, when you're here, you're family. Listen to the song above!

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