Why Priyanka Chopra Loved Spending More Time With Nick Jonas During Quarantine

In a new interview, Priyanka Chopra talks about how the coronavirus pandemic has affected her relationship with husband Nick Jonas, and also gives an update on her plans regarding possible children.

By Corinne Heller Jan 11, 2021 12:26 AMTags
Watch: Nick Jonas & Priyanka Chopra Celebrate 2nd Wedding Anniversary

While the coronavirus pandemic has challenged many people's relationships, Priyanka Chopra cherishes the quality time she has gotten to spend with husband Nick Jonas.

In an interview with the U.K. newspaper The Sunday Times, published on Jan. 10, Chopra talked about the pair's relationship and how the COVID-19 lockdowns have affected it. "Quarantine gave us the ability to spend a lot of time together, which I'm really blessed by," said the 38-year-old actress. "Because with both of our careers it's hard to find that kind of time."

Late last year and months after the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, Chopra filmed scenes for The Matrix 4 in Berlin and, more recently, the romantic comedy film Text for You in London. Nick, 28, joined her in the U.K. capital in November and the following month, they celebrated their two-year wedding anniversary there during a COVID-19 lockdown. More than a week ago, they rang in the New Year in London.

Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra's Romance Rewind

Nick and Chopra married in her native India in early December 2018 during a three-day wedding celebration with family and friends. When asked whether their age difference was a bigger gap to bridge than any cultural differences, Chopra told The Sunday Times, "Neither was a hurdle. Nick took to India like a fish to water. But just like a normal couple, you have to understand each other's habits and what each other likes. So it's more of an adventure than trying to figure out hurdles. None of it was really that hard."


"It's so comforting to find a person who is in your corner," Chopra told the newspaper. "Whatever I may be in my professional life or how the world perceives me, I'm just a girl trying to live her life in the best way possible, and I'm so grateful to have a partner in doing that."

In 2017, Chopra told NDTV in India that she wants to get married and "have a cricket team of children." During the Sunday Times interview, she laughed at her past comments.

"I do want children, as many as I can have," she said. "A cricket team? I'm not so sure."

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