Prince William Honors "Extraordinary" Grandfather Prince Philip After His Death

Following the death of Prince Philip on April 9, his grandson and future heir to the throne Prince William publicly expressed his grief over the royal family's loss.

By Samantha Schnurr Apr 12, 2021 1:12 PMTags

Prince Philip held many roles. To Prince William, he was grandfather. 

On Monday, April 12, the future king paid tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh after his death was announced on April 9. Queen Elizabeth II's longtime husband and the longest-serving consort in British history passed away "peacefully" at Windsor Castle, according to a statement from Buckingham Palace. He was 99 years old. "The Royal Family join with people around the world," the statement read, "in mourning his loss."

Among them is, of course, William, who shared a statement on his and wife Kate Middleton's social media pages. "My grandfather's century of life was defined by service – to his country and Commonwealth, to his wife and Queen, and to our family," his message began. "I feel lucky to have not just had his example to guide me, but his enduring presence well into my own adult life – both through good times and the hardest days."

"I will always be grateful that my wife had so many years to get to know my grandfather and for the kindness he showed her," William continued. "I will never take for granted the special memories my children will always have of their great-grandpa coming to collect them in his carriage and seeing for themselves his infectious sense of adventure as well as his mischievous sense of humour!"

William went on to note that Philip was an "extraordinary man" who was a part of an extraordinary generation. "Catherine and I will continue to do what he would have wanted and will support The Queen in the years ahead," he promised. "I will miss my Grandpa, but I know he would want us to get on with the job."

Prince Philip's Life in Photos

Prince Philip's death will also bring Prince William back together with his younger brother, Prince Harry, as he returned to his native England on April 12 to attend the late royal's funeral at St. George's Chapel. The church happens to be where Harry and wife Meghan Markle tied the knot in 2018. 

If Harry does make the trip from his new home in California, it will mark the first time he and William have physically reunited since the younger sibling's bombshell interview with Markle and Oprah Winfrey that aired in March. 

Max Mumby/Pool/Indigo/Getty Images

During their televised sit-down, Harry spoke candidly about the couple's decision to step down as senior members of the royal family and the lack of support and understanding they allegedly experienced from the institution as well as from the British press. 

He also told Winfrey that his older brother and father Prince Charles, both future kings, are "trapped" within the system. "They don't get to leave," Harry said, "and I have huge compassion for that."

Despite any private issues with members of the royal family, Harry did reveal during an interview with James Corden on The Late Late Show that he had been keeping in touch with his grandparents virtually. "We've Zoomed them a few times. They've seen Archie running around," he revealed to the late-night host. "My grandfather, instead of pressing 'leave meeting,' he just goes [closes laptop]."

Watch a livestream of Prince Philip's funeral on E! News starting at 9:15 a.m. ET/6:15 a.m. PT on April 17.

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