What Kristin Cavallari Learned From the "Challenges" of Co-Parenting With Jay Cutler

In a new interview, Kristin Cavallari talked about co-parenting her three children with ex Jay Cutler following their 2020 breakup.

By Corinne Heller May 13, 2021 5:10 PMTags

More than a year after announcing their split, Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler still consider themselves teammates.

In April 2020, the Very Cavallari stars filed for divorce after almost seven years of marriage and 10 years together overall. They later reached a temporary co-parenting agreement over their sons Camden Jack, 8, and Jaxon Wyatt, 7, and daughter Saylor James, 5.

"It has its challenges for sure, especially in the beginning when everything is so fresh still," Kristin told Mr. Warburton magazine in a recent cover interview. "But we're just navigating it the best way we know how."

Speaking about her best co-parenting advice, the reality star, whose own parents divorced, said, "Never put the kids in the middle of it. No matter how mad you are at your ex-spouse. One thing that my mom did was she NEVER said anything bad about my dad."

She continued, "Now that I'm older, I really respect that. I always want my kids to see Jay and me as a united front. He's their father. That's important and they need to see that from me."

Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler: Romance Rewind

And it appears Jay is operating off the same playbook. In a recent Mother's Day tribute post, the retired retired NFL quarterback heaped praise on his ex. "Some kids have all the luck," he wrote on Instagram, alongside a photo of Kristin playing with their children. "Happy Mother's Day @kristincavallari."


Jay paid tribute to Kristin for Mother's Day last year as well, while she honored him on Father's Day last June. "Happy (late) Father's Day to Jay," she wrote. "We had a beautiful day together yesterday at my new house. Modern family? Co-parenting? Whatever you want to call it, we are navigating it the best way we know how. And what I do know is, our 3 kids are lucky to have him as their daddy. Hopefully they all 3 get a smidge of that heart of gold."

Instagram / Jay Cutler

She shared the same pic on her own page, writing, "They gave my life real meaning. Feeling the love today. Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas."

In her interview with Mr. Warburton, Kristin said that being a mom is where she found her "true purpose." Calling it the "most natural thing" she's ever done, she shared, "It's truly what I live for. Seeing them blossom into their own individual selves is really cool."

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