Pack Your Bags for FBoy Island, HBO Max's Next Absolutely Wild Dating Show

HBO Max just announced a new dating show/social experiment that sounds like something we're about to get very obsessed with.

By Lauren Piester Jun 10, 2021 10:31 PMTags

The ultimate single lady's dream or a true nightmare? HBO Max's newest reality show might be both.

The new show is called FBoy Island, and it follows three women who move to a tropical island with 24 single men. Twelve of those men are self-proclaimed "nice guys," and 12 are self-proclaimed "FBoys." The nice guys are looking for love, and the FBoys are competing for money. The women have to try to fall in love, and then they find out which guys are which. 

It's genius and it's awful, and we hate it but we love it and we wouldn't say no if anyone asked us to be on it, because what a fun game! We're there, is what we're saying. 

HBO Max describes the show as "a social experiment that asks the age-old question: Can FBoys truly reform or do Nice Guys always finish last?" 

We've never asked that question but we're glad to know it will be answered!

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Nikki Glaser will host the series, which was created by former Bachelor producer Elan Gale. The showrunner is Sam Dean, from 12 Dates of Christmas and Love Is Blind, so you know this is going to be the ultimate mix of TV dating shows. 

"When I first got the call to be a part of a reality dating show called FBoy Island, I said yes immediately. Then I realized they weren't asking me to be one of the girls looking for love," Glaser said in a statement. "That is not a joke; it was embarrassing. But as a massive fan of this genre, hosting this show was a true dream. I look forward to hosting for the next 43 seasons. I knew going into it that a show created and produced by the people behind my two favorite shows (The Bachelor and Love Is Blind) was going to be insanely good, but this one exceeded my expectations. I already know what happens and I can't wait to watch it every week."


Sarah Aubrey, Head of Original Content at HBO Max, said she's especially excited for people to see "these strong women, guided by the hilarious, Nikki Glaser, team together and empower each other to say 'F-Boy, F-Bye." We hope they literally do say that. 

No premiere date has been announced, but the full season already filmed in the Cayman Islands and will debut later this summer on HBO Max.

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