Gigi Hadid Reveals the Family Beauty Secret She'll Pass Down to Daughter Khai

Gigi Hadid shares the beauty tip her mother, Yolanda Hadid, taught her, which she "for sure" plans to pass on to her and Zayn Malik's daughter Khai.

By Cydney Contreras Jun 25, 2021 9:54 PMTags
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Gigi Hadid has a lot to offer her and Zayn Malik's daughter Khai.

The 26-year-old model has a wealth of experience and knowledge, which she has gained from walking the runways and traveling the globe over the years. And as she savors the new chapter in her life, the mom is already thinking about the lessons she'll teach her baby girl, like her family's belief that less is more. 

"I think I'll teach Khai to keep it simple when it comes to makeup, like my mom [Yolanda Hadid] taught me," Gigi tells Harper's Bazaar, adding "there's a few" more tips she will "for sure" pass on to her little one. 

Gigi shares that her model mother was relatively hands off when it came to her beauty routine, explaining, "My mom never really gave me advice on, like, what to do with my skincare or makeup, but I definitely watched her enough to learn."

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"She had a very simple, natural take on skincare. She didn't overdo it with product, and I feel like I've taken that on, where I think less is more," the star says. "Doing too much for my skin or beauty routine can make it more complicated, and sometimes my skin can't handle it."

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But simplicity doesn't equate to monotony. The model, who appears in a commercial for Ralph Lauren's new fragrance Ralph's Club, says she changes her beauty and fragrance routine based on her mood, saying, "I have certain ones that I always go back to, but I'm definitely open to try new ones. But also during the day, I tend to wear lighter fragrances or mix. Then at night is when I like to bring out the stronger, deeper, more complex scents."

When Gigi is on "mom duty full-time," she says she keeps her routine to "the necessities," which includes face wash, moisturizer, lotion and a spritz of perfume. 

She admits motherhood is different from what she's used to, but it's entirely worth it. "It's all my favorite, even if it gets hard at times. You have so much patience and unconditional love that comes with motherhood," Gigi shares. "It's just fun to watch her grow and learn every day. And she makes me so proud. It's funny how even the smallest things are exciting."

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