Ashton Kutcher Reveals How Mila Kunis Convinced Him Not to Go to Space

Even though Ashton Kutcher secured a golden ticket on Virgin Galactic’s next space expedition, Mila Kunis eventually persuaded him to think twice. Find out why Ashton decided against taking flight.

By Kisha Forde Jul 15, 2021 8:06 PMTags
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Ashton Kutcher was all set to blast off into outer space, but his other half, Mila Kunis, convinced him to stay grounded.
The That's ‘70s show actor revealed in an interview with Cheddar News that although he already secured a golden ticket for a flight aboard the Virgin Galactic ship, his wife made him think twice about shooting beyond the stars.
"When I got married and had kids, my wife basically encouraged that it was not a smart family decision to be heading into space when we have young children," Ashton admitted in the July 14 clip. "So, I ended up selling my ticket back to Virgin Galactic. I was supposed to be on the next flight, but I will not be on the next flight."
The "next flight" follows billionaire Richard Branson's recent historic lift-off on July 11. The business mogul, who founded Virgin Galactic almost 20 years ago, made the trip aboard the spaceship with five other team members.

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Even though the decision seems out of this world for now, the 43-year-old actor isn't giving hope for the future. "But at some point," he added. "I will be going to space."

Ashton reportedly secured his spot back in 2012, which would be three years before he married his former co-star, Mila. The couple also share two children, Wyatt, 6, and Dimitri, 4, so you can say it's worth reevaluating the risk.
This wouldn't be the first time the 37-year-old actress gave her husband some noteworthy advice, but this would be a time where he actually did end up listening. In an interview back in April, Mila recalled advising Ashton on some entrepreneurial matters—of which he did not end up taking—and in hindsight, it sounds like he made the right decision.

"The best part about him is he is really smart about including me in everything and making sure that I am aware of everything that is happening," she shared. "He is also really smart at knowing that, sometimes, you shouldn't listen to your wife." 

"Early in our dating, two things came up," she continued. "He was like, 'Hey, there's this company, it's kind of like a ride share...kind of like a cab company, but anybody can drive the cab. I was like, 'That's the worst idea ever.'"

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Of course, Ashton was referring to the early stages of the now mega-company, Uber. As far as the second thing to come up, Mila explained that when he mentioned the idea behind Bitcoin, she responded by saying, "Well, I think this is a horrible idea."
Against her advice Ashton actually did end up investing, and the rest is history. 

It goes to show that although Mila may not have guessed correctly when it came to spotting the next big thing, the actor is still taking her advice to heart.

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