New Ordinary Joe Trailer Reminds Us That One Decision Can Change a Life

Joe Kimbrough (James Wolk) explores the different lives he could live in the new trailer for NBC's upcoming drama, Ordinary Joe.

By Alyssa Ray Jul 24, 2021 12:01 AMTags
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It's totally natural to ask "What if?" about life.

That's the mantra at the heart of the new trailer for NBC's upcoming drama, Ordinary Joe, which premieres on September 20. In the first look below, Joe Kimbrough (James Wolk) finds himself asking this very question regarding three major choices that lay ahead of him.

"What if I asked out that girl I just met?" Joe ponders in a voiceover following graduation. "What if I married my best friend? What if I followed in my father's footsteps?"

The answer to each of these scenarios results in three different outcomes for the titular character. In one, Joe has found success as a singer and love with graduation girl, whose name is Amy (Natalie Martinez). However, this path isn't all success and happiness as Joe and Amy seemingly struggle to conceive.

Meanwhile, path two finds Joe as a successful doctor, married to best friend Jenny (Elizabeth Lail) and a father. Again, not everything is picture perfect as Joe and Jenny are having issues and their son requires extra care due to a disability.

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Finally, option three has Joe becoming a police officer and, while dubbed as a hero, he appears to have little to no personal life.

"So, you ever get that feeling," Joe further wonders, "That one choice could change your whole life?"

NBC's description further teased, "The three parallel stories that diverge from that night find Joe and the people around him with different careers, relationships and family lives, showing the unexpected ways that things change—and stay the same. But when it comes down to it, there is no 'right' choice; no matter what happens, Joe's life is always messy, exciting, tough, unpredictable... and beautiful."


Watch the new trailer for yourself above.

Ordinary Joe premieres Monday, September 20 at 10 p.m. on NBC.

(E! and NBC are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)

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