Kyle Richards Just Had Another Bee Run-in—But It's Not What You Think

Less than a week after she was hospitalized after accidentally walking into a beehive, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Kyle Richards had another bee encounter.

By Corinne Heller Jul 30, 2021 7:26 PMTags
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Is Kyle Richards just public enemy No. 1 for bees? Was a lone subject out for revenge?

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star recently found herself in yet another sticky situation while on location for the upcoming Peacock holiday reality movie The Real Housewives of the North Pole. Less than a week ago, the reality star, who is allergic to bees, was hospitalized after she accidentally walking into a beehive on her property.

"So I just got off work. It's like three-something in the morning right now and our wonderful director, Ron Oliver, abruptly wrapped everybody because lightning was coming our way," Kyle, 52, said in a video on her Instagram Story early Friday, July 30. "So we all rushed to leave and I went to get in my car and what happens? A bee flies in my car. Guys, you can't make this stuff up."

The reality star captioned another video, "I don't recall seeing bees at night"—and it is true, bees are typically less active then. She asked, "I mean, if you were looking for a bee at three something in the morning, where would one even look?"

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"Would you believe that it is three in the morning and there's a bee in my car?" she continued, showing a video of her car with the driver's side door open. "Nobody would believe this. Nobody would believe it."

Instagram / Kyle Richards

Last weekend, Kyle shared security footage of herself running away from bees and jumping into her pool after accidentally walking into their hive.

"My family wasn't home and for whatever reason the people that work for me couldn't hear me screaming for help," she wrote on her Instagram Story. "My landline wouldn't dial 911 and my epi pen was defective and wouldn't open."

She later thanked her local fire department and the Encino Hospital Medical Center for treating her and helping her through her "panic attack" and "for repeatedly convincing me there were no more bees in my hair."


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