
Why Jamie Foxx Says He'll Never Get Married

By Samantha Bergeson Oct 18, 2021 8:08 PMTags

The "pressure" of marriage is not of interest to Hollywood's most eligible bachelor!

Jamie Foxx exclusively dished during E! News' Daily Pop on Monday, Oct. 18 that the traditional, "cookie cutter" lifestyle never appealed to him. "The 2.5 children, the wood paneling on the station wagon and the cottage, I didn't think that was for me," Foxx revealed.

And, it turns out, Foxx's relationship with his two daughters Corrine Foxx, 27, and Annalise Bishop, 12, is better for it: "A lot of those marriages ended up not doing well as the kids got older. Unfortunately, we saw the kids get fractured from their families," Foxx cited of some of his pals' unions. "Us, we actually came together more. So I don't know what that is, I just know that it is different but it's a whole lot of love."

The Act Like You Got Some Sense author summed up, "The pressure of being married, I don't think we can have a conversation about it. I just keep moving."

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx: Romance Rewind

Foxx also keeps his "great family" close.

"It was by design to have my whole family living with me, because I don't want them living away from my circumstance," Foxx explained. "I want them to see and share the things that I go through. There's a lot of hard work, there's a lot of disappointment, but there's a lot of things to celebrate."

Earl Gibson III/WireImage

Both Corinne and Annalise also helped Foxx pen his memoir. "I gave them the opportunity to be like, 'Yo dad, this is how it went,'" he joked. Foxx was even the inspiration for Corrine's Netflix series, Dad Stop Embarrassing Me!

So, what is this ultimate #GirlDad's advice to other fathers? 

"If you start early, Girl Dad, being a new dad, being able to talk about anything under the sun at the age of eight, nine, 10, when they are 18, 19, 20, they'll say, 'I can go to my dad and talk about anything,'" Foxx noted. "It will pay dividends for the rest of your life." 

Watch the full interview above to hear why Foxx thinks Nick Cannon and Ed Sheeran were his best house guests!

Act Like You Got Some Sense is available wherever books are sold. 

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