Avril Lavigne Shares the Surprising Story Behind Her Early "Dirty Rock Hair"

Avril Lavigne marched to the beat of her own drum—because she was the only one in the band! "I could've had more help," she says of her signature early-aughts look.

By Tionah Lee Dec 01, 2021 7:41 PMTags
Watch: Avril Lavigne's New Music Is Coming Next Month

There's nothing complicated about it—Avril Lavigne's always been her own girl.

Nearly 20 years after dominating the pop-punk music space, the "Sk8er Boi" singer spoke to Nylon about the early days of her music career. Known at the time for her baggy jeans, long ties and straight greasy hair, the 37-year-old shared that she wouldn't change a thing about the way she presented herself at the time

"There's nothing I wish I did differently," the December cover star told the magazine. "I do look back and think some things are funny. I didn't have a stylist, and I wore my own clothes out of my suitcase for a year, over and over. I didn't have makeup and hair people. I was just like straight, dirty, rock hair. But that's also what made me me." 

Even though Avril doesn't regret staying true to who she was, looking back, the Canadian rocker does wonder why her team let her do so many things on her own. 

Avril Lavigne's Hairstyles

"In the beginning, I would fly, get a car, put my own suitcase in the car, drive my ass to wherever I had to go," she shared. "I look back at that s—t and I'm like ‘Why didn't the label or managers at the time be like ‘Maybe she should have a hair and makeup person on the road to help her with her blow-dryer or give her a clothing rack to pick from?'"

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"That's the stuff I look back and I'm like ‘I could've had more help,'" she added. 

Today, Avril is enjoying her career and even having fun on TikTok with one of her biggest hits. However, the music industry has always come with its challenges. "It's just always been a fight," the "Girlfriend" singer said. "Fighting to make the music I want to make. Fighting to dress the way I want. Fighting to have things be the way I need them to be. But yeah, duh, it's work. Nothing about what I do is easy. I can't even tell you the stuff I got through."

One thing she's happy to do herself these days? Run her own social media accounts. "I can't have other people do it for me because they say cheesy things or they come up with really bad ideas," she said. "I'm really hands on and have to come up with it all."

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