Watch the Scary Moment This Newscaster Gets Hit By a Car on Live TV

Journalist Tori Yorgey was reporting live from Dunbar, W. Va., when a car struck her from behind. Watch her incredible reaction below.

By Emlyn Travis Jan 20, 2022 9:54 PMTags
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It's the kind of story that needs to be seen to be believed. 

WSAZ-TV journalist Tori Yorgey was reporting live from Dunbar, W. Va. the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 19, to newscaster Tim Irr about a local water main break when she was struck from behind by a car.

The collision caused Yorgey to bump into the camera, which plummeted into the nearby snow. "Oh my god, I just got hit by a car, but I'm OK," she said. "I'm OK, y'know, that's live TV for ya. It's all good." 

Maintaining her composure, the journalist revealed that this wasn't the first time she had been hit by a car while reporting the news. "I actually got hit by a car in college too just like that," she added. "I am so glad I'm OK!" 

Righting the camera, Yorgey took a moment to speak with the driver who hit her, who could be heard apologizing off-camera. "Ma'am, you are so sweet and you're OK," she replied. "It is all good."

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Then Yorgey revealed that the unfortunate incident happened to coincide with her final week on the job, laughing to herself as she dryly joked, "You know it's my last week on the job and I think this would happen specifically to me, Tim." 

When asked if she was struck by the car from high or below, Yorgey wasn't too sure. "I don't even know, Tim. My whole life just flashed before my eyes, but this is live TV and everything's OK," she said. "I thought I was in a safe spot, but clearly we might need to move the camera over a bit, so let me do that while I'm thinking of it." 

While Yorgey adjusted the camera's location and caught her breath, Irr explained that drivers often get confused when navigating around emergency vehicles during a water main break. 

Yorgey agreed, adding, "People get distracted a little bit."

Speaking with NBC News, Yorgey said she was feeling all right outside of a little soreness. "I got checked out, no broken bones," she told the outlet. "They said I'll be sore for a little."

Explaining her decision to continue reporting, Yorgey said, "I felt safe and that's why I didn't leave and I kept doing the live shot." 

She continued, "I definitely love my job, I would not trade it for the world."

(E! and NBC are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)

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