
Tell Me Lies Sneak Peek: See Grace Van Patten & Jackson White Heat Up the Small Screen

In an exclusive preview of Hulu’s new series Tell Me Lies, we see Grace Van Patten and Jackson White’s characters meet for the first time. See how it goes.

By Vivian Kwarm Sep 06, 2022 7:00 PMTags
Watch: Hulu's Tell Me Lies Exclusive Sneak Peek

Meet your new favorite TV couple. 

In this exclusive clip from Hulu's new series, Tell Me Lies, which premieres Sept. 7, we're getting a closer look at the TV adaptation of Carola Lovering's beloved book characters: Lucy, played Grace Van Patten, and Stephen, played by Jackson White.

And while their meeting on the show is less than ideal, we get a taste of the palpable chemistry between the two.

"You look really uncomfortable in that dress," Stephen starts off the encounter with Lucy.

Yikes! How's that for a pickup line?

Lucy understandably shocked responds with, "I'm sorry?"

Realizing that this wasn't the best choice of words, Stephen nervously backtracks by adding, "Not saying you should be uncomfortable in that dress; you actually look very good in it. I'm just pointing out that you do look uncomfortable in the dress."

Lucy visibly confused but also intrigued by his compliment asks, "Who are you?" Stephen happily offers up his full name and asks for Lucy's in return.

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Upon learning Lucy's name, Stephen informs her that her name is in one of his favorite songs, "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds." This admission has the two sharing in a flirtatious laugh. 

The clip ends with the two looking visibly more comfortable, with the two clearly smitten with each other. And, frankly, so are we.


As for what we can expect from the rest of the courtship? "Tell Me Lies follows a tumultuous but intoxicating relationship as it unfolds over the course of eight years," Hulu's description teases. "When Lucy Albright (Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (White) meet at college, they are at that formative age when seemingly mundane choices lead the way to irrevocable consequences. Although their relationship begins like any typical campus romance, they quickly fall into an addictive entanglement that will permanently alter not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them."

For more of this intense energy, catch Tell Me Lies when it premieres Sept. 7 on Hulu.

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