HBO Just Confirmed Who Jon Snow’s Father Is on Game of Thrones

After releasing an infograph of all the major players, the network might've just spoiled fans on one of the show's biggest twists

By Tierney Bricker Jun 29, 2016 5:12 PMTags
Game of ThronesHBO

When it comes to Jon Snow, [Character Name Redacted], you are the father!

Game of Thrones fans hoping to avoid any possible spoilers after the season six finale, look away now! Why? Because HBO just revealed who Jon Snow's (Kit Harington) real father is after his birth mother was confirmed in the June 26 finale.

In a flashback to the Tower of Joy, a popular fan theory was proven right as Lyanna Stark, Ned's (Sean Bean) sister, was proven to be Jon's mother, making Ned promise to look after her son on her deathbed. However, Jon's birth father was not confirmed in the scene, but many fans believed it to be Rhaegar Targaryen, who had abducted Lyanna after she was engaged to marry Robert Baratheon. 

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And now, thanks to a handy dandy infographic created by HBO, the L+R=J theory has finally been confirmed.

In the graphic, which showcases all of the different characters and relationships on the show, the two black lines, which represent parents, that lead to Jon Snow start from Lyanna and Rhaegar, confirming that he is both a Stark and Targaryen, and that Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) is his aunt. 

But then what was Lyanna whispering to Ned that the audience COULDN'T hear?! Let's speculate in the comments, shall we? 

While audiences were finally brought in on the secret about Jon Snow's real parents, only one character who is still alive on the show knows the truth: Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright). And it sounds like the reveal will do nothing but complicate the battle for the Iron Throne, as Harington explained, "Thrones is really, at the heart of it, about dysfunctional families."

Are you happy that we finally know who Jon's real father is? Or were you hoping it would be a big twist? Sound off in the comments below. 

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