Ashley Graham Responds to Internet Trolls Who Shamed Her for Losing Weight

Model takes to different social media to comment on the criticism

By Francesca Bacardi Jul 21, 2016 3:41 PMTags

Ashley Graham can't win with her fans.

The plus-size model posted a selfie on Instagram this week, and many of her followers took exception with it because they thought she lost some weight. Wearing a white crop top and matching skirt with a black leather jacket, Graham looked beautiful, but some critics had a different idea because they felt she was staying true to her platform.

"I knew it you did lose a lot of weight! I am no longer a fan of yours you betrayed a lot of people! So I'll find another plus size beautiful woman bcuz yo're full of s--t!!! #damnshame #justliketherest," commented one user. "How can she say I represent the plus size woman when she lost half her weight? Now she selling her fashion line to plus size woman nd she lost all that weight? Sorry but I can say whatever the f--k I want! She is a phone she use to represent the curvy look now she's getting just like the ones she fought so hard against in the first place."

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Other users supported the critic, claiming Graham is starting to look like "every basic woman." Some called Graham's unconfirmed weight loss "discouraging" because they felt as soon she found fame she "gets skinny."

"Why are you changing yourself? I thought you were comfortable being yourself and being plus size," another asked. "You are clearly losing tons of weight."

But after a while, enough was enough for Graham. The brunette bombshell responded to her critics with a comment of her own, "People come on my page and body shame me because I'm too big, because I'm too small, because I'm not good enough for their standards...But at the end of the day I'm good enough for me. Angles will make anyone look bigger or smaller and I just happen to know mine."

She also took to Snapchat to issue a response to the Instagram controversy. Sharing a picture of herself walking the runway in lingerie, Graham added a text overlay that read, "I will not let others dictate what they think my body should look like for their own comfort, and neither should you."

And with that, silence.

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