Hannah Montana Is Returning to Disney Channel: Our 5 Favorite Show Moments

Miley Cyrus will return for a month-long marathon in December

By McKenna Aiello Nov 17, 2016 11:21 PMTags

Nobody's perfect, but this news sure is!

Disney Channel just made the exciting announcement that Hannah Montana will return for a month-long marathon in December, and let's be honest, we've already set our DVRs in anticipation. From Dec. 3-29, Miley CyrusEmily Osment and the rest of the gang will be serving up all the nostalgia-inducing tunes, comedy and middle school romance we need to get through the holiday season. 

In honor of Hannah's big comeback to the small screen, we've rounded up five of the beloved series' most memorable scenes across its five-year span. Don't worry, you can thank us later. 

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1. The Bone Dance: If it weren't for Hannah, Lilly and Oliver's handy-dandy song about human anatomy, biology class would've been a total fail. Now even a decade after Hannah Montana's premiere, it's not hard for those catchy lyrics (And now I take it home / With the parietal bone) to stay in your head for weeks to come. Oops!

2. Jonas Brothers' (and More Mega-Stars) Guest-Starring Role: This is what Disney dreams are truly made of. The hunky boyband reached peak Jo Bro's when they starred on the sitcom as themselves. And although Nick, Joe and Kevin's appearance falls second to none, we can't help but reminisce about even more cameos from Jesse McCartneySelena GomezDolly Parton and Sheryl Crow

Anyone remember that little known appearance from none other than Larry David? Talk about a trip down memory lane... 

3. Jake vs. Jesse: When Miley found herself stuck in the love triangle of the century (maybe a slight exaggeration,) we couldn't help but feel her pain through every dramatic breakup ballad. Jake Ryan (Cody Linley) was the famous actor who had no idea about the star's onstage persona while Jesse (Drew Roy) stole our hearts with his bad boy image. 

5. Miley's Big Reveal: It was the gasp heard 'round the world when Hannah finally ditched her signature blond wig and exposed her true identity while onstage. 

R.I.P., Hannah Montana. Long live Miley Stewart!

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