Why Kate Hudson Thinks Oprah Winfrey's Weight Loss Journey Is So Important

Actress talked body image and her inspirations in Vogue and reveals a universal truth

By Ellery LeSueur Apr 05, 2017 6:25 PMTags

Kate Hudson has reminded us of an important truth: Oprah Winfrey is an inspiration to all.

In an interview with Vogue, the Marshall actress and mother of two talked about body image and her own approach to health and wellness. Asked to identify her body image inspiration, Hudson gave "the really obvious answer": Winfrey.

"I just think she is forever that woman," the actress said. But what exactly made Winfrey come to mind?

Kate explained that it's not so much about being a certain weight or dress size; instead, it's about embracing where you're at. And Winfrey, whose years of yo-yo dieting came to and end thanks to Weight Watchers, knows that better than anyone.

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"You want to do the healthy thing, but you know what? Women fluctuate," Hudson said. "We give birth to children and carry them and breastfeed them, some of us. We are busy and we're trying to work. Women's bodies are very different than male bodies; the way that we store fat is different, and the way that we lose fat is different. We're always trying to keep up—and then some of us give up, which is what we don't want to do."

The idea of making peace with where your body is at was a continuing theme in the interview. The best way to get healthy is to listen to what your body actually needs, Hudson said.

"I think it's more about tuning into what you need vs. the actual workout," she said. "If you're super busy and stressed out, you might need more sleep than the treadmill!"

Not that she's against working out—just the opposite. But according to Hudson, there isn't just one tried and true approach to getting healthy. One thing healthy people do have in common, Hudson explained, is that they acknowledge the connection between the body and the mind.

"Obviously as you're working out, you're strengthening your heart, but your brain has to work with all of it," said Hudson, who practices mindfulness. "Now, if you want to talk about longevity, you can't not talk about exercise."

And then there's the, you know, actual science behind it.

"It's just scientifically proven that when we are active, the healing aspects for our brain are huge," she told Vogue.

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