
Dear White People's Logan Browning Has a Few Direct Messages of Her Own to Share

Exclusive! From Beyonce to Bieber, the breakout star of Netflix's newest series isn't holding back

By Billy Nilles May 06, 2017 12:37 AMTags
Watch: What Would Logan Browning Say to Beyonce?

Playing the host of the incendiary campus radio show Dear White People on the must-watch Netflix series of the same name, breakout star Logan Browning has gotten a crash course in getting her point across in as direct a way as possible.

After watching her deliver the truth tea to the naively racist students of Winchester University as budding activist Sam White throughout Dear White People's 10-episode first season, we wanted to give Logan herself the chance to deliver a few messages of her own. So when E! News' Zuri Hall met the actress for a chat at Paint and Sip Studios LA, she asked Logan how her Dear... message would begin to a handful of Hollywood's biggest stars.

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From Beyonce to Bieber, she didn't hold back—though, unlike Sam, Logan's messages were a bit more complimentary. However, it's her most personal message that's stood out as our favorite. Yep, we're talking about her sweet words for her mom. To see all of Logan's messages, check out the video up top!

In an effort to get to know our new fave a bit better, Zuri also challenged Logan to reveal three things about herself that her fans might not know. And we've got to say, we did not see her Krav Maga training coming. "I'm always tying to beat somebody's butt," she admitted. "Usually it's one of my friends and I let them try to choke me or put me in a hold, and then I show them I can get out of it."

How long has she been training, you ask? "I started six years ago," she told Zuri. "I'm OK." Something tells us Sam White would be proud.

For Logan's other secrets, check out the video above.

Season one of Dear White People is available for streaming now on Netflix.

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