Did Prince Harry Really Drive 100 Miles to Get Meghan Markle Inside Pippa Middleton's Wedding Reception?

Special bash was held at the home of Kate Middleton's parents in Bucklebury

By Mike Vulpo May 22, 2017 5:41 PMTags

Like they always say, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

In the middle of Pippa Middleton's weekend celebrations, reports surfaced claiming Prince Harry drove 100 miles round-trip to bring girlfriend Meghan Markle to the wedding reception.

The bash was held at Carole Middleton and Michael Middleton's home in Bucklebury, which is located about 50 miles west of Kensington Palace where the Suits star was staying.

A close source, however, tells E! News that Prince Harry did not make a 100-mile dash to get Meghan from London.

"Meghan and Harry left London together on Saturday morning but he didn't take her on to the Englefield Estate. Meghan already had her hair done in the morning at Kensington Palace but the rest of her wasn't ready," our insider shared. "A friend had a nearby house rented and Harry dropped her off there before attending the church ceremony. There was no way he was going to rush back to London. Anyone who drives knows that's the least attractive idea in the world."

Pippa Middleton & James Matthews' Wedding
Getty Images

Our source added, "Meghan stayed back at the house and had someone come and do her makeup. After the champagne reception, Harry headed back to the house to have lunch with Meghan. They stayed back there until it was time to leave for the Bucklebury party."

As for rumors that Meghan was not invited to all of the celebrations on Saturday, one source says it's just not the case. Instead, both Harry and the actress thought it would be best to only attend some of the festivities.

"[They] made a mutual decision that it would not be a great idea to create that much of a hoo-ha when all the attention should be on the bride," our source said. "They only truly decided that she would stay back until the evening."

As for the wedding reception, guests were treated to an acrobatic aerial performance of Supermarine Spitfire. The room broke out into a huge Beatles sing-along during one speech while the first dance happened around 10 p.m.

According to a source, Harry and Meghan left the party around 2 a.m. local time and were driven back to Kensington Palace.

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