Nikki Reed: "Pregnant, I'm a Better Version of Myself"

Twilight alum and Ian Somerhalder announced in May they are expecting their first child

By Corinne Heller Aug 09, 2017 7:07 PMTags

Nikki Reed seems to love being pregnant.

The 29-year-old Twilight alum and husband and Vampire Diaries star Ian Somerhalder, 38, announced in May they are expecting their first child. The actress, who has not been spotted out in public much in recent months, makes a rare appearance on the cover of Fit Pregnancy and Baby's September 2017 issue.

"Ian jokes that he wants to keep me pregnant forever. I'm a very driven person with lots of energy. I can run multiple companies, read four books at once, and take a conference call while cooking dinner. But pregnant, I'm a better version of myself," Reed told the magazine. "I'm really chill and relaxed, which I think is the greatest blessing."

Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder: Romance Rewind

The actress had announced her pregnancy with a photo of her showcasing her baby bump in a dress by Bayou With Love, the sustainable fashion company she founded last year.

"Being pregnant gave me instant perspective," Reed told Fit Pregnancy and Baby. "It's the first time in my life I've passed on anything that isn't exactly what I want to be doing. Pregnancy is the moment you find your path and do what you want, when you want, how you want. I'm building and launching a company that's been a dream of mine. I honestly feel better than ever."

She also said being pregnant has given her a "new and powerful appreciation" for her body, adding, "I want to write my pregnant body love letters, it's so f--king cool!"

Reed and Somerhalder have not revealed the sex of their baby.

"A close friend had a son and I remember thinking, 'I hope I have a son one day.' Then another friend had a girl and I thought, 'How fun would it be to have a miniature version of yourself ?' You can't lose, no matter what," she told Fit Pregnancy. "It's the greatest and only true surprise of your life."

She also told the magazine that she and Somerhalder plan on doing a "month of silence" after their child is born.

"Just the three of us, no visitors, and we're turning off our phones too, so there's no expectation for us to communicate," she said. "Otherwise, every five minutes it would be, ‘How are you feeling? Can we have a picture?' You don't get those first 30 days back, and we want to be fully present."

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