Haunted Hollywood: The Creepiest Ghost Stories in Tinseltown

Watch out, Hollywood nightmares abound.

By Seija Rankin Oct 31, 2017 5:00 PMTags
Chateau MarmontGetty Images

Double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and...Hollywood is freaking terrifying, you guys. 

On this, the annual All Hallows Eve, as the spirits awaken and the candy is handed out, our television screens aren't the only things that are going to be haunted. As it turns out, Hollywood itself is basically like one giant Freeform made-for-TV-movie. (Yes, we're talking about ghost stories). 

As long as there have been celebrities in La La Land there have been creepy tales floating around the city. Whether it's a set seemingly occupied by a gang of ghosts, or an A-lister experiencing their own frightening encounter, no one is immune from dark magic this time of year. 

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Griffith Park. There's a reason why celebrities (and "celebrities") flock to this locale every October for the annual hayride: It's incredibly haunted. In fact, legend has it that the only reason its one-time owner even donated it to the city was because he needed to rid himself of all those ghosts. 

It all traces back to the park's original curse, placed by Dona Petronilla in the late 1800s after she found out her uncle bequeathed it to someone else. (Revenge is a killer, huh?) Many people think Dona's ghost wanders the grounds, while others see the ghost of her uncle. 

The Knickerbocker Hotel. How haunted is this place? So haunted. There are several ghost rumors swirling around the building—Rudolph Valentino, an actor from the 1920s, reportedly won't leave the bar alone. Marilyn Monroe reportedly won't leave the ladies' bathroom alone. Plus, a director died in the lobby and Harry Houdini's widow held seances on the roof for years. 

The Hollywood Sign. In the fall of 1932, actress Peg Entwistle jumped to her death from the very top of the giant 'H.' (And that's a fact). Ever since then, tourists and residents alike have copped to seeing a woman that looks just like her (even down to her outfit) wandering around the area. So in other words, don't get caught near the sign after dark unless you want an otherworldly encounter. 

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The Roosevelt Hotel. Most people believe the Roosevelt's fame is due to the cast of The Hills, but many Angelenos know it for its many ghost sightings. When she isn't over at The Knickerbocker, Marilyn Monroe is an apparition in a mirror on the 12th floor (she stayed at the hotel early in her career). Former actor Montgomery Clift reportedly gets his ghost on in room 928 and rumor has it that an old-timey gentleman floats around, too. 

Dan Akroyd's Old House. Where did he get the idea for Ghostbusters, you ask? Well it was after he saw some of the creepiest stuff ever go down in his very own home. He has described paranormal activity like doors locking on their own, the lights turning on and off on their own and a piano playing music on its own.

Adele's Sussex House. Okay, so it's not technically in Hollywood (or even on this side of the pond), but back in 2012 the Grammy-winning singer was telling everyone that she was too scared to sleep in her brand new mansion. According to tabloid The Sun, she told a friend that there were so many creepy happenings around that she hired her bodyguard to move in and help ward off the spirits. 

Culver Studios. This spot in Southwestern LA may not have the same historical caché as, say, Paramount Studios, but its ghost caché is on point. Its original owner died on William Randolph Heart's yacht—the circumstances around his death are still debated, but one version of the story has it that Hearst shot him thinking he was Charlie Chaplin, because he thought he was having an affair with his mistress. 

Confusing? Yes. But what isn't confusing is that people see his ghost around the studio lot all the time. 

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Kate Hudson's...Everywhere. As the actress has admitted, she can quite literally see dead people. Apparently she and mother Goldie Hawn have an ability to sense presences, spirits and all sorts of paranormal energy. She even once told the director's cut of The Skeleton Key that she sees a woman with no face and her reincarnated grandmother. 

The Chateau Marmont. By now this storied hotel's storied history is known the world over, from Lindsay Lohan's wild ways to the tragic deaths that have occurred in the infamous bungalows. Late comedian John Belushi is believed to haunt number three ever since he passed of a cocaine overdose on the premises. Most creepily, a family living there in the late 90s reported that their toddler told them he saw a ghost that looked like Belushi (he called the ghost "the funny man.")

Jessica Alba's childhood bedroom. The Honest Company co-founder once told The Sydney Herald that she was visited (violently) by a ghost as a teenager. "I felt this pressure, and I couldn't get up, I couldn't scream," she said, before describing that the ghost took her covers off and she was unable to get out of bed. 

Matthew McConaughey's Hollywood Mansion. The first night he spent in his new house was one wracked with haunting. He has told of the encounter, which started with a very loud dropping sound and ended with him coming to terms with the ghostly roommate. He's since named her Madame Blue and describes her as "pretty chill," which is probably the most Matthew McConaughey thing ever. 

Demi Lovato. Everywhere the singer goes is haunted, it can be assumed, since she is followed around by the ghost of a little girl. Her name is Emily, and she (Demi, not the ghost) told BuzzFeed that she's seen her countless times and even has video footage of items flying in the air when Emily is around. 

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