Oprah Winfrey to Jimmy Kimmel: "I Wish You Were My Little Brother"

She appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to promote Disney's A Wrinkle in Time

By Corinne Heller Feb 23, 2018 2:57 PMTags

Can you feel the love?

For Oprah WinfreyJimmy Kimmel may as well be family.

"I said to your producer, I wish you were my little brother, 'cause I think you're like America's little brother," Oprah told him on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Thursday. "And every time you're on and you say something profound or funny or you do one of these great skits with kids, I go, 'Oh, that's Jimmy.' I just love to say, 'That's my little brother. He was always like that.'"

"I accept your sisterhood," Jimmy said.

"You're like my little brother," Oprah said, giving him a high-five and shaking his hand affectionately.

Celebrity Mean Tweets From Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Oprah appeared on the show to promote Disney's upcoming A Wrinkle in Time movie, in which she plays Mrs. Which. She also talked to Jimmy, who has often criticized President Donald Trump, on-air, about the recent rumors that she would seek a presidential run, following calls for her to do so after giving an inspiring speech about gender equality at the 2018 Golden Globes.

"I am definitely not running for president," Oprah said. 

She said that backstage at the Golden Globes, after she made her speech, she was told she was "trending" on social media.

"And I went, 'About the speech? Really?'" she said. "So that was a surprise and I was kind of, first thrown by it—it's a humbling thing to have people think that you can run the country. And so I'm the kind of person who tries to listen to signs, I think, Am I supposed to run the country?"

Immediately after Oprah trended on social media as people rallied behind the idea of her running for president, her longtime partner Stedman Graham told the Los Angeles Times, "It's up to the people. She would absolutely do it."

"I said, 'Why are you even talking, Stedman? Stedman, why are you talking?'" Oprah told Jimmy. "So this is Stedman's thing now, Stedman was like, 'I'll never go to another Golden Globes. I'll never go to another Golden Globes. I just was trying to support you at the Golden Globes, next thing I know, you're running for president.' But he says he heard the reporter say, 'Would she make a good president.' And of course, he would never say I should run." 

A Wrinkle in Time is set for release on March 9.

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