Kanye West Writing His Philosophy "Book" on Twitter

See what the "Stronger" rapper has been sharing with his social media followers

By Jess Cohen Apr 18, 2018 6:01 PMTags
Kanye WestSplash News

You can get Kanye West's philosophy book for free...on Twitter!

The "Stronger" rapper, who recently returned to the social media platform, just announced that his latest tweets are actually his book that he's writing in real time. West first announced that he's writing a book, called Break the Simulation, while interviewing designer and curator Axel Vervoordt for The Hollywood Reporter last week.

Then on Wednesday morning, West started sharing a series of tweets with his social media followers, giving them life advice.

"When you first wake up don't hop right on the phone or the internet or even speak to anyone for even up to an hour if possible," he tweeted. "Just be still and enjoy your own imagination. It's better than any movie."

"You have the best ideas," he continued. "Other people's opinions are usually more distractive than informative. Follow your own vision. base your actions on love. Do things you love and if you don't absolutely love something stop doing it as soon as you can."

West then told his fans, "Don't follow crowds. Follow the innate feelings inside of you. Do what you feel not what you think. Thoughts have been placed in our heads to make everyone assimilate. Follow what you feel."

In a later tweet, the 40-year-old star said, "Just stop lying about shit. Just stop lying."

"In life, we are all trained actors. When we're born we're ourselves and then one of the first things we're thought is how to act. If you see a kid screaming at a restaurant because he feels something and can't express himself in a conventional manner," he continued. "Everyone will say he needs to learn how to act. At home parental acting classes are one of the first steps to us loosing who we really are to 'the simulation'. Parents are our first acting coaches."

West then talked about the book that he's writing and how it's not about making money.

"Oh by the way this is my book that I'm writing in real time. No publisher or publicist will tell me what to put where or how many pages to write. This is not a financial opportunity this is an innate need to be expressive," he shared. "I will work on this 'book' when I feel it. When We sit still in the mornings We get hit with so many ideas and so many things We want to express. When I read this tweet to myself I didn't like how much I used the word I so I changed the I's to We's."

What do you think about the "book" West is writing? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

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