Riverdale Star Charles Melton Apologizes for ''Offensive'' Fat-Shaming Comments

Actor addresses the controversy in a statement to E! News

By McKenna Aiello Jun 19, 2018 9:45 PMTags

Is too late for Charles Melton to say sorry? 

The Riverdale star—who replaced actor Ross Butler on season 2 of the CW series—experienced first-hand what happens when the internet discovers the contents of your Twitter feed before finding fame. Melton, 27, faced backlash from fans who accused the actor of attacking people's appearances in a series of alleged tweets

Amidst the controversy, the actor tells E! News in a statement he is ashamed of the remarks. 

"I'm truly sorry for making inconsiderate comments several years ago and apologize to anyone I hurt," Charles says. "What I posted and said was immature, offensive and inappropriate. I am ashamed of how I acted and there is no excuse for that behavior."

Love Lives of Riverdale Stars
Mary Clavering/Young Hollywood/Getty Images

He concludes in the statement, "I'm striving to do better and will use this experience to grow, helping others to understand how these types of statements are completely unacceptable." 

According to screenshots shared on social media, Melton allegedly fat-shamed women and children. 

"Fat chicks need to understand that wear yoga pants is a privilege, not a right," he allegedly tweeted in 2012, followed by, "Don't tease fat kids, they already have enough on their plates..." and "Headed to the gym. Word of wisdom for the day…if your fat…don't look in the mirror." 

Meanwhile, Twitter users have not held back from sharing their thoughts on the digital debacle. One user wrote, "Charles Melton disgusts me. I've struggled with my body my whole life, and never feeling comfortable with my weight. and just seeing someone I used to support say such awful things so carelessly, not only makes me furious but it makes me feel even more self conscious." 

Another threatened to stop watching Riverdale if Melton continued to appear on the teen drama. "Instead of killing off Reggie Mantle in S3, let's just replace Charles Melton with Ross Butler again. The producers did it once. They can easily do it again. If the Riverdale team decides to ignore this issue, then they are no better. I will drop ALL OF THEM," the person tweeted

Melton's Twitter account has since been made private, though he continues to update his Instagram. 

The third season of Riverdale will return to the CW this fall. 

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