
Inside Sandra Bullock's Star-Studded Birthday Dinner

Sarah Paulson, Holland Taylor and Jason Bateman joined the Ocean's 8 actress for a celebration at Mr. Chow

By Elyse Dupre Jul 27, 2018 7:17 PMTags
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Happy birthday, Sandra Bullock!

The actress turned 54 years old on Thursday and celebrated the special occasion with family and friends at Mr. Chow in Beverly Hills, Calif. 

The Miss Congeniality star attended the dinner with her boyfriend, Bryan Randall, and her two children, Louis and Laila. They were also joined by her Ocean's 8 co-star Sarah Paulson and Paulson's girlfriend Holland Taylor. Jason Bateman and his wife Amanda Anka were there, as well. In fact, an insider told E! News about a dozen people attended the birthday bash. 

"They were having a good time," the source said. "It was a nice night amongst close friends."

A separate source told E! News the group sat at a big round table on the upper level of the restaurant.

"Everyone was in a great mood and shared food family style," the second insider said. "They all passed dishes back and forth to one another and had a long meal with several courses."

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It looked like the actress got plenty of birthday presents, too. The sources said Bullock received several gifts from Barneys New York; however, the contents of the packages remained a mystery as The Proposal star didn't open her gifts in the restaurant. 

Bullock wore a long-sleeved, floral dress for the occasion. The sources said she left the restaurant around 11 p.m. 

"Bryan and Sandra stayed close together as they left," the first insider said, "and Bryan was obviously happy and enjoying the night."

Bullock was surely happy to celebrate her big day with her boyfriend and her kids. The star talked about her little ones during a June interview with Today and expressed wanting to be there for "every single moment that they have."

"My priorities are my kids, my kids, my kids—my family, my family—that's it," she said at the time.

Here's to many more happy years!

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