
How Ben Affleck's Rehab Stay Is Different This Time Around

This is the actor's third time seeking treatment for sobriety issues

By Elyse Dupre Sep 04, 2018 8:34 PMTags
Watch: Ben Affleck Is "Serious" About Rehab: An Update

It's been about two weeks since Ben Affleck checked into rehab, and it looks like the actor will continue treatment for a little bit longer. 

"Ben is there for as long as he needs to be," a source tells E! News. "Like before, he is dedicated to beating this, and however long they feel he should be in, that is the time limit."

While this is Affleck's third visit to rehab, another insider suggests Affleck's treatment program is different than others he's done in the past. 

"Ben seems to be taking it very seriously," the second source says. "This isn't like the other rehabs he has done in the past. This is a residential program, and he is staying on property. He is not at the point where he has a lot of freedom or is able to leave. He is doing intense counseling and spending a lot of time in meetings and therapy. He also has time in his day to workout and spend time outside in the mountains."

The first insider echoes these notions by saying Affleck is "working hard doing therapy [and] meetings" and "working out quite a bit."

As for the reasoning behind this new treatment program, a third source previously told E! News the actor "wants to try something different and knows he needs more help."

Everything We Know About Ben Affleck's Latest Rehab Stay

In addition to getting help from the facility, Affleck has received support from his ex Jennifer Garnerwith whom he recently reached a divorce settlement. Garner staged an intervention and took Affleck to rehab back in August. According to a fourth insider, the Batman actor had started drinking again just a few days before.

"He told Jen and was not resistant," the fourth source said. "He asked her to take him and she wanted to be there for him." A fifth source described Garner as "supportive, but firm" with Affleck. 


"She wants him to be clean and healthy and will help him get there if he's committed," the fifth insider told E! News. "She is glad he is in a safe place and getting the help he needs." 

In the end, the two want Affleck to be healthy for their three children: VioletSeraphina and Samuel.

"He is trying to get better and really wants to for his kids," the second insider said. 

Affleck's return to rehab took place shortly after he ended his relationship with Lindsay Shookus. He was then spotted on a few dates with Playboy model Shauna Sexton.

Shookus was photographed for the first time since the split on Monday. The Saturday Night Live producer spent some time in New York's Central Park after hitting the gym.

Affleck has been open about his sobriety battle in the past. The actor completed rehab in March 2017 and continued to receive outpatient therapy. He also checked into rehab in 2001 for alcohol-related struggles.

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