Prince Harry Kisses a Fan With Meghan Markle Nearby

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Sussex earlier this week and greeted members of the public.

By Corinne Heller Oct 04, 2018 5:22 PMTags
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, FansDaniel Leal-Olivas - WPA Pool/Getty Images

A royal kiss? Swoon!

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, visited the Sussex area of England on Wednesday and met with the locals. During an outing in Brighton, Meghan approached a fan in the crowd, a woman named Lydia, who told the duchess she looks "so beautiful." Harry then came up, took the woman's hand and kissed it, as seen in a video posted by the Daily Mail.

"Ooh, thank you!" Lydia replied, giggling.

"Very nice to meet you," Harry said, smiling.

The footage was shot by fellow fan Francesca Troon.

"They were actually on the opposite side [of the street] and heard people shouting their names out on our side," she told the Daily Mail. "Meghan made a beeline for this lady, she was elderly in her eighties. Meghan asked her for her name and where she came from. Then Harry came over and Meghan introduced the lady to Harry. 'The lady was so excited and she said she felt so lucky that Harry had kissed her hand."

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Members of the royal family typically avoid such interactions but Harry and Meghan are known to occasionally break royal protocol and act more casually than their royal elders while in public.

Earlier this week, during their visit to Sussex, they attended a meet-and-greet with a group of children, during which the prince dished out high fives and fist bumps. Harry also greeted a group of fans without Meghan by his side, shook a young girl's hand and comforted a crying boy by putting his hand briefly on his shoulder and asking, "Are you alright?"

Tim Ireland - WPA Pool/Getty Images

The royals traditionally limit their physical interactions with fans to handshakes. Harry's grandmother Queen Elizabeth II started the tradition in the '70s.

"We never shook hands. The theory was, you couldn't shake hands with everybody, so don't start," her daughter and Harry's aunt Princess Anne says in the recent Queen Of Our World documentary. "So I kind of stick with that. But I notice others don't."

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