Game of Thrones Releases Symbolic New Season 8 Promo

We overthought it so you don't have to (but you're still going to, it's fine)

By Lauren Piester Dec 06, 2018 10:23 PMTags
Kit Harington, GOT, Game of Thrones


Fire and ice are about to collide. 

HBO just released the first promo for the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones, and the short clip is sort of a new take on the 3D map of Westeros from the show's opening credits. Ice overtakes a Stark direwolf and a Targaryen dragon while fire encompasses a Lannister lion, and the fire and ice appear to meet in the middle as a new barrier erupts between them. 

We've watched it approximately 12 times so far, and we're at the point where we've overthought it so much it no longer makes any sense. Will the dragons eat the Lannisters while the white walkers destroy the Starks and Targaryens? Does winter only come for the Starks and Targaryens while the Lannisters still get to enjoy the summer? Will everyone either freeze or burn to death, leaving the iron throne empty at the end? Did HBO just think it looked cool??? 

Everything We Know About the Game of Thrones Final Season

You can watch the promo below!

You can absolutely bet we'll still be thinking about this until the next clue about the final season comes around, because so far those clues are few and far between. We mostly just know that it's gonna be emotional and that the finale will be polarizing.

"I think a TV series that's spanned eight, nine years is an incredibly difficult thing to end," Harington told MTV at TIFF. "I think not everyone's going to be happy, you know, and you can't please everyone. My favorite TV shows are SopranosBreaking Bad, and The Wire, and they all ended in a way that…It's never going to satisfy you."

We're also in store for the biggest action sequence the show has ever had as the living face off against the Army of the Dead. The battle reportedly took 55 days to film, and "makes Battle of the Bastards look like a theme park," Peter Dinklage told EW. So maybe we're not all that off by wondering if this promo just means everyone's gonna die in some way or another! 

Game of Thrones returns to HBO in April, 2019.

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