Emilia Clarke Explains Daenerys Targaryen's Reaction to That Huge Game of Thrones Bombshell

Plus get the scoop on the Dany and Sansa Stark showdown.

By Chris Harnick Apr 22, 2019 2:46 PMTags
Game of Thrones, Episode, Sansa, DaenerysHBO

We need to talk about Daenerys Targaryen.

In "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms," the second episode of Game of Thrones' final season, Dany (Emilia Clarke) had quite a few moments to shine…and step in it, depending on how you look at the situations.

When she wasn't putting Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) on trial, Daenerys sat down with Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) in an effort to thaw the chilly nature between them. It…didn't really work.

"It was actually quite bizarre because I only see Emilia on screen and it's like, kind of a fan moment. I mean, I know her in real life, but as Daenerys I only see her on screen. It was really, really fun to work with her," Turner said of working with Clarke. Hear more in the video below.

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"It was a lioness versus lioness. Verbally, you've got this sparring match happening," Clarke said about the scene. "Like, ‘Oh, that slap hurt! I'ma take it! Mm…not gonna slap you back!'"

Dany went with an olive branch, but Sansa wasn't ready to take it. "She's just forgetting the critical matter, which is Sansa thinks of the North in every way that Dany thinks of Westeros, that the North is her. It's the Starks'. It's theirs," episode writer Bryan Cogman said in the behind the scenes video above.

And then she found out her main man, Jon Snow (Kit Harington), is actually her nephew, Aegon Targaryen. The whole nephew and aunt thing didn't really faze Dany, but what did bother her was he has more of a right to the Iron Throne than she does.

"The related thing, to her, is so normal," Clarke told EW. "She could have easily married her brother. It's not a thing. It's a thing for Jon, but let's just forget about that. The main thing is we're up for the same promotion and I've been working for it for my entire existence. This is my whole existence. Since birth! Dany literally was brought into this world going: RUN! These f--kers [in Westeros] have f--ked everything up. Now it's, ‘You're our only hope.' There's so much she's taken on in her duty in life to rectify. There's so much she's seen and witnessed and been through and lost and suffered and hurt to get here … and Jon doesn't even want it!"

What happens next? Dany and Jon will have to wait to work out their complicated relationship, the battle of Winterfell is here.

Game of Thrones airs Sundays, 9 p.m. on HBO.

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