Lindsay Lohan Accuses Zendaya of Copying Claire Danes' Cinderella-Inspired Met Gala Gown

The former reality star takes to Instagram to air her grievances

By Cydney Contreras May 07, 2019 10:17 PMTags
Lindsay Lohan, Zendaya Charles Sykes/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank/Karwai Tang/WireImage

Lindsay Lohan has a bone to pick with Zendaya.

The Spider-man star's Cinderella-inspired gown may be heralded as one of the best dressed looks of the 2019 Met Gala, but it seems like the 32-year-old begs to differ. The reality star appears to be taking issue with the fact that Claire Danes dressed in a similar gown for the 2016 "Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology" theme. "Claire Danes did that with @zacposen already," Lindsay comments on Instagram

Lohan, who hasn't attended the ultra-exclusive event since 2007, adds further fuel to the fire by saying: "@clairedanes you wore this dress so beautifully, I don't know why someone thinks that they can be more chic. Ever."

It must be said that both women wore equally dazzling dresses, but Zendaya was the only one who intentionally paid homage to the storybook character. Zac Posen, who designed Danes' 2016 dress, previously shared that he hoped to meet that year's theme by creating a gown that highlighted "the place where technology and fantasy meet."

2019 Met Gala: Best Dressed Stars

However, in no part of his description did he mention Cinderella.

Watch: See Zendaya's Fairy Tale Moment at 2019 Met Gala

Zendaya, on the other hand, teamed up with Tommy Hilfiger to create a fairy tale look worthy of the princess. From the dress' dull grey color transforming into an iridescent blue to the carriage clutch, the 22-year-old and team of designers truly thought of it all. Plus, she wore the princess' signature choker and glass slippers, one of which was left on the steps of the Met. 

If you were to ask the casual observer about their opinion, its likely they would agree that there was no copying involved in Zendaya's look. And even if there was, there is that age-old saying: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." 

Maybe Lindsay should leave the Mean Girl commentary for the movies. 

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