Kate Middleton "Can't Believe" Prince George Is Already 6 Years Old

The Duchess of Cambridge's eldest child is growing up so fast

By Elyse Dupre Sep 19, 2019 3:08 PMTags
Kate MiddletonIan Vogler/Daily Mirror/PA Wire

Prince George is growing up so fast—even Kate Middleton can't believe it!

The Duchess of Cambridge spoke about her first child while visiting the Sunshine House Children and Young People's Health and Development Centre in London on Thursday.

During the engagement, the royal met with the Southwark Family Nurse Partnership team to learn more about the work that they do and further her research and engagement in the early years sector. At one point, she spoke with a 22-year-old woman named Chloe Koroma, who benefitted from the organization's at-home visiting program for first-time moms during and after her pregnancy. Kate even received a posy from Chloe's 4-year-old son, Oliver, upon her arrival.

"It was lovely meeting the duchess," Chloe said in regard to meeting Kate, who wore a Slim Signature polka-dot silk shirt by Equipment for the outing. "She asked how old Oliver is and what football shirt he was wearing. She said children grow up so quickly and she can't believe George is 6 already."

Prince George Adorably Shows Off Missing Tooth in 6th Birthday Pics

Royal admirers have certainly enjoyed watching Kate and Prince William raise George along with his two younger siblings Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

The Duchess of Cambridge.

Earlier this week, for instance, fans watched the proud parents take their two older children to school for their first day of classes. Both children attend Thomas's Battersea in London, where they study science, math, music, ballet and so much more. Of course, Kate made sure the precious moment was captured with a first-day photo

However, this wasn't the only recent milestone fans saw George experience. They also noticed he lost some baby teeth on his sixth birthday.

We can't wait to see what the young royal does next!

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