Felicity Huffman Begins 14-Day Prison Sentence

Desperate Housewives star plead guilty to two charges in the college admission scandal

By Cydney Contreras Oct 15, 2019 4:54 PMTags
Watch: Felicity Huffman Begins Her 2-Week Prison Sentence

Felicity Huffman has officially commenced her 14-day prison sentence.

On Tuesday morning the Desperate Housewives star turned herself into authorities. "Felicity Huffman reported today for sentencing to the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, CA. Ms. Huffman is prepared to serve the term of imprisonment Judge Talwani ordered as one part of the punishment she imposed for Ms. Huffman's actions," the actress' rep shared in a statement to E! News. "She will begin serving the remainder of the sentence Judge Talwani imposed—one year of supervised release, with conditions including 250 hours of community service—when she is released."

In addition to the brief stint in prison, Felicity is expected to serve supervised release for one year, 250 hours of community service and pay a $30,000 fine for mail fraud and honest services mail fraud. And it appears that the actress is taking this all in stride. In her court statement, she told the judge, "I take full responsibility for my actions and as a first step for making amends for my crime, I will accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate."

Felicity Huffman Faces One Month in Prison

A source previously told E! News, "When she gets out she plans on focusing on her community hours and paying her dues. She has fully accepted her sentence and will see it through."


She's already gotten a head start on her sentence by visiting an L.A. center that supports homeless teens. Huffman and her daughter, Sophia, toured the facility in September and a source revealed that she "seemed to be taking it all very seriously." 

Moreover, the star herself said that she fully intends on helping her community beyond the required 250 hours. "I look forward to doing my community service hours and making a positive impact on my community. I also plan to continue making contributions wherever I can well after those service hours are completed," she shared in a statement. 

Meanwhile, her husband, William H. Macy, and their two daughters, as well as their family and friends, remain "supportive" of Felicity as she nears the challenging end of the college admission scandal. 

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