The Best Bromance Moments From The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes didn't start out liking each other on Disney+'s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but their friendship quickly blossomed into one of the best in the MCU.

By Lauren Piester May 15, 2021 3:00 PMTags
Watch: Anthony Mackie & Sebastian Stan Tease "Falcon and the Winter Soldier"

Finally, the bromance we've been waiting for. 

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier spent its whole first episode not teaming Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) and Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) up, but the second episode wasted no time in getting Captain America's BFFs together for some first class banter. Did they like each other? No! Did they want to hang out? No! But will they, for the sake of crime fighting and preserving the legacy of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)? You bet they will! 

While the episode spent a weird amount of time trying to convince us to get on board with the fake Captain America (Wyatt Russell), which we rightfully refused to do, the rest of it was spent giving Sam and Bucky reasons to spend time together and bicker. Bucky's therapist made them do a couples therapy exercise. This show was like, "Hey, sorry we had to replace Steve with this bozo, but here's an unlikely friendship between two other superhero sweethearts who deserve your love." 

Marvel, we see your offering and we appreciate it. These are the moments we most appreciated as the friendship blossomed.

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Their Reunion 

Things didn't start off too well. Both Sam and Bucky are "heartbroken" that the shield was handed off to a new Captain America, but Bucky is especially pissed that Sam handed it over in the first place because that's not what Steve would have wanted. Sam doesn't know what he can do about it and besides, he's got bigger things to deal with. 

What begins as Sam filling Bucky in on the terrorist group he's dealing with devolves into an argument about whether wizards are real. Bucky knows who Gandalf is because he read The Hobbit when it came out in 1937, but Doctor Strange is a sorcerer and he doesn't think wizards are a thing. 

"A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat," Sam points out. "Think about it." 

Clearly this is an ongoing argument and we are here for it. 


Who Needs Plans?

Bucky tags along with Sam on his mission to take down the Flag Smashers but is annoyed to find out Sam has no actual plan. When Sam calls him "Buck," he gets even more annoyed. 

Bucky: "No, you can't call me that." 

Sam: "Why not? That's what Steve called you." 

Bucky: "Steve knew me longer, and Steve had a plan." 

Then Bucky rips off his sleeve to reveal his metal arm and jumps out of the plane with no parachute. It is not a graceful landing.

"I have all of that on camera," Sam says as he flies by. "You know that, right?" 

"Who Gives a S--t?"  

As Sam and Bucky are surveying the people they're about to fight, Bucky thinks he's got it covered. 

Bucky: "I got a vibranium arm. I can take them." 

Sam: "And I can fly. Who gives a s--t?" 

We are here for all the fights over whose abilities are most useful, though if we had to choose for ourselves we'd pick the flying. 


Couples Therapy

As part of Bucky's court-mandated therapy, his therapist made the pair do some couples therapy exercises. That required the two of them facing each other, sitting as close together as possible, and staring into each other's eyes. Sure, it wasn't supposed to be a staring contest, but if you ask Sam, that's all Bucky's capable of doing. It also wasn't supposed to be just a little bit romantic, but, was. 

Then they had to share their feelings about each other, and it turned out they're both feeling real sensitive about Steve's legacy. Buck doesn't want Steve to have been wrong about believing in either of them, and Sam just did what he thought was right by giving away the shield. 

These two have come so far, and we're so proud. Let's wish them luck as they compete for best duo at the MTV Movie and TV Awards, airing Sunday, May 16 on MTV.

All of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is now streaming on Disney+.

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