
Britney Spears Is "Relieved and Hopeful" About Her Future Amid Conservatorship Battle

As Britney Spears' conservatorship battle continues, a source told E! News the singer is "relieved and hopeful about the future for the first time in years."

By Elyse Dupre Jul 22, 2021 5:51 PMTags
Watch: Britney Spears Blast Sister Jamie Lynn & Family on Instagram

The world is spinning, and Britney Spears' fans hope she keeps on winning. 

Earlier this month, the 39-year-old singer secured a victory in her conservatorship battle by having a judge grant her permission to choose her own lawyer. Britney had been represented by her court-appointed attorney Samuel D. Ingham III for the past 13 years. However, he resigned two weeks ago, and she is now represented by Mathew Rosengart, who's said he's "moving aggressively and expeditiously to file a petition to remove" her father Jamie Spears as her conservator of her estate.

Though Britney expressed her desire at a June 23 hearing to end what she called her "abusive" conservatorship (Jamie filed a petition to investigate the veracity of her claims and his attorney insisted on Good Morning America in February that he "wants the best for Britney"), her situation is already less toxic.

"Since Britney spoke out in court, things have changed and become a little bit more relaxed," a source told E! News. "She's gained more independence and control over her life. She feels a big weight has been lifted and that she is free to speak her mind. She is relieved and hopeful about the future for the first time in years."

Britney Spears Through the Years

In fact, fans have continued to hear more from Britney. One way has been through Instagram, where the Grammy winner posts everything from dance videos to messages of appreciation for her supporters

"She's enjoying doing her Instagram posts without any editing," an insider added (although her social media manager has insisted Britney has always created her own posts). "She loves spending time on her dances and being creative. She feels fulfilled and satisfied knowing that she can use her voice however she wants. She can finally do and say whatever she pleases. She feels like she has people in her corner who will fight for her. She doesn't feel so alone and feels that she finally has the support to get what she wants."

Matt Baron/Shutterstock

The star has also called out those who haven't been there for her. As she wrote in one post, "There's nothing worse than when the people closest to you who never showed up for you post things in regard to your situation whatever it may be and speak righteously for support. There's nothing worse than that!!!!"

And in a recent caption, Britney hinted she's "not even close" to being done speaking out. "I was told to stay quiet about things for so long," she wrote on Instagram, "and I finally feel like I'm just getting here."


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