Watch Taylor Swift's Powerful Message to Simone Biles, Suni Lee and the Olympic Gymnastics Team

See Taylor Swift's motivating message about the gymnasts who competed in the women's all-around competition at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

By Cydney Contreras Jul 29, 2021 8:42 PMTags

Taylor Swift knows "Everything Has Changed" since Simone Biles dropped out of the women's all-around competition, but she also knows Suni Lee and Jade Carey are more than "Ready For It."

The pop star offered her voice for an inspiring message ahead of the televised women's all-around gymnastics event. She spoke over a video of the competitors as they trained for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, saying, "Life can surprise you. It can humble you. It can test you. It can inspire you."

Taylor also acknowledged how the team overcame numerous hurdles on the road to Tokyo, including Simone's decision to pause her Olympics journey. The world-class athlete announced her decision to sit out the women's all around on Tuesday, July 27, explaining that she wants to prioritize her mental health. 

In her absence, Jade and Suni stepped up to the plate.

"They didn't expect this to be the story, but that doesn't mean they weren't ready for the spotlight," the singer stated. "They've worked for this, they've dreamed about this, they belong here."

Get to Know the U.S. Gymnasts Competing at the Tokyo Olympics

Taylor continued, "So don't be surprised as the story takes flight from here in the women's all around in Tokyo."

The competition took place in Tokyo early Thursday morning, making for some good news as people in the United States woke up. Suni earned a score of 57.44, landing her the top spot on the podium.

After winning the gold medal, she told reporters, "I was nervous, but I did my best, and I'm super proud of myself... It's crazy. I didn't ever think I'd be here." 

Her parents are equally as proud of her achievement, telling Today's Hoda Kotb that this is more than they ever dreamed of. "I almost cried and I never cry," her dad, John Lee, gushed from their home in Minnesota. "I'm so happy she won."

He added that he always knew his 18-year-old-daughter would be an accomplished young woman, "but I didn't expect the gold." Reflecting on her humble start on a homemade balance beam in their backyard, he shared, "I'm so glad I built that beam for her."

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Suni's parents also expressed gratitude to Simone for sharing the spotlight with Suni. John said, "I want to tell her team that no matter what, you all support her. I want to tell Simone that she truly is the GOAT because she let my baby girl bring the gold medal."

Fans can witness the moment Suni won the gold medal when the Olympics air on NBC at 8 p.m. ET.

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