Amy Schumer Discusses Why She Shared "Big Secret" in Hulu Series Life and Beth

Amy Schumer opens up about her battle with trichotillomania, a disorder that causes her to pull out her hair, in her new semi-biographical Hulu series Life and Beth.

By Cydney Contreras Mar 25, 2022 3:43 PMTags

It's not easy to share a secret with someone you know, let alone the entire world.

But Amy Schumer decided that she was ready to open up about her lifelong struggle with trichotillomania in her new Hulu series Life and Beth. "I really don't want to have a big secret anymore," she shared in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, published March 25. "And I thought putting it in there would be good for me to alleviate some of my shame and maybe, hopefully, help others alleviate some of theirs, too."

In the ninth episode, it's revealed that Beth copes with stressful situations by pulling her hair. And though she's initially able to hide her thinning tresses under a hat, her mother eventually takes her to get fitted for a wig, albeit a totally noticeable one. 

Like other storylines in the series, this was something that actually happened to Amy in her pre-teens. She noted that "everybody knew" she was wearing a wig, causing her much embarrassment.

And she now worries her 3-year-old son Gene will inherit the disorder: "Every time he touches his head I'm having a heart attack."

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But in opening up about this experience, Amy hopes to help others who suffer from similar conditions. "I think everybody has a big secret and that's mine," she explained. "And I'm proud that my big secret only hurts me but it's been what I've carried so much shame about for so long."

Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

That said, Amy admits the condition is "still something that I struggle with."

The TLC Foundation, which focuses on body-focused repetitive behaviors, applauded Amy's portrayal of this disorder, which affects 1 or 2 in 50 people, according to the foundation. The foundation's executive director told THR, "Our community is breathing a collective sigh of relief after having our behaviors mischaracterized and misinterpreted for so many years."

And Amy isn't alone in her struggle. Victoria's Secret model Sara Sampaio shared in 2018 that she too has trichotillomania, which causes her to pull her eyebrow and eyelash hairs. "The episodes are worse under a lot of stress or when I'm not doing anything like watching a TV or reading a book," she shared on Instagram. "But this is my experience! I'm not ashame[d] of it."

If you or someone you know experiences Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors, the TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors offers support and resources.

Life and Beth is streaming now on Hulu.

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