Tumblr Calls Out a Disturbing Movie Poster Trend You Might Not Have Even Noticed

Headless Women of Hollywood is a project started by Marcia Belsky

By Dominique Haikel Apr 26, 2016 7:35 PMTags
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If you're looking for a new Tumblr to follow, this is worth your scrolling time. The Headless Women of Hollywood documents an unfortunate trend you may have never noticed on some of your favorite movie posters. It's exactly as it sounds. Women are getting their heads cropped out of posters leaving only fragmented and sexualized pieces of their bodies in the frame. The blog, started by Marcia Belsky, aims to shed light on this corny, overused and potentially harmful Hollywood gimmick. 

In addition to movie posters, the blog includes 'Headless' women from everyday book covers, and advertisements, because it's not just Hollywood that's guilty either. 

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"The consistent fragmentation of women's bodies, with particular focus on the boobs, butt and lips, separates the sexualized female body parts from her wholeness. Thus, as fragmented parts, the viewer does not have to morally reconcile the woman who is being objectified with her complete humanness," Belsky writes about why she started the Tumblr series. 

Another excellent point? "The head is first and foremost the thinking part of the human body, where our motivations and feelings are located. So, these images we are bombarded with on a daily basis tell us persistently that women's thoughts, feelings, and personal agency either don't exist or are of no interest."

The blog demands the need for women with heads, and rightfully so. Readers can send their found images to the blog to help spread awareness as well. 

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Movie Posters

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