Ex-Girlfriend Sends Cheating Boyfriend Game of Thrones Spoilers In Best Break Up Revenge Ever

More exciting than bringing Jon Snow back to life

By Dominique Haikel May 23, 2016 7:10 PMTags
Game of ThronesHBO

Ah, the joys of relationships. A presumably very angry girlfriend got brutal revenge on her cheating ex in what we think is one of the most creative ways possible. No tire slashing or window breaking here, just pure conniving genius. According to Reddit, in a post that has now been deleted, 29-year-old Khaleesiscorned rants that his ex has been sending him Game of Thrones spoilers every week, basically ruining his life. Cue the tiny violins. A summary of his post, in which Mashable provided a screenshot reads, "I cheated on my ex during our relationship and she found out shortly after we broke up. She's blocked me on everything but briefly unblocks me every Monday to send me Game of Thrones spoilers before I can watch it. How can I get her to stop?" 

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Actually brilliant, right? Not sure if we feel bad for this fellow but what we do know is that his ex sounds like a smart woman. The ex-BF admitted, "I know I didn't treat her very well, but I just want to watch my favorite show again." Maybe don't cheat in the first place? Just saying. Sure, we don't know both sides of the story, but this is still a pretty dang creative way to get back at an old lover. The Redditor also mentioned, "She didn't unblock me on her main Facebook account, she just made a new one with pictures of a hot girl so I'd add her. Then she messaged me from that." Savage. 

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