Game of Thrones' "Battle of the Bastards" Is Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton and the Results Look Epic

It's the moment everybody has been waiting for

By Chris Harnick Jun 15, 2016 6:15 PMTags
Game of ThronesHBO

It's the moment everybody has been waiting for, perhaps Game of Thrones' most epic showdown yet: Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) and Jon Snow (Kit Harington) square off. It's the "Battle of the Bastards."

HBO has released a bevy of new images that feature Jon Snow, Ramsay Bolton, Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner), Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham), Tormund Giantsbane (Kristofer Hivju), Wun Wun (Ian Whyte) all ready for battle. Aside from the horse shots (which there are a lot of, it is war after all), there are a ton of action shots.

Everything you need to know about the episode, which HBO didn't release a description for, is in the title: "Battle of the Bastards."

Game of Thrones' "Battle of the Bastards" Trailer Is Here and it Looks Legendary

In a previously released trailer, Jon Snow sure seems pretty confident he'll be victorious over Ramsay Bolton. "Battles have been won against greater odds," Jon Snow says. "I've fought beyond the Wall against worse than Ramsay Bolton."
"You don't know him," Sansa Stark says.

Do you really think Game of Thrones killed Jon Snow, had months of speculation and lies about his fate and brought him back only to kill him again?

Take a peek at the new photos in the gallery below and get ready for the big battle that airs Sunday, June 19 on HBO. This is the penultimate episode, the season 6 finale airs Sunday, June 26 and will be super-sized, clocking in at about 70 minutes. Don't worry, season seven has already been given the go-ahead.

Game of Thrones airs Sundays, 9 p.m. on HBO.

Game of Thrones Season 6 First Look: Check Out New Pics

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