Mindy Kaling Is Doing a "Full Julie & Julia" With Chrissy Teigen's Cravings Cookbook

Mindy Project star plans to cook every meal in supermodel foodie's cookbook just like the characters in 2009 movie about Julia Child

By Rebecca Macatee Jul 25, 2016 6:45 PMTags
Mindy Kaling, Chrissy TeigenGetty Images

Chrissy Teigen's cookbook is the real deal, guys—just ask Mindy Kaling!

The Mindy Project star is a fan super-fan of Cravings, and to prove it, she's going to cook every single recipe in it. Mindy encouraged fans to join her via Instagram, writing, "Get this book and do a full Julie & Julia with it like I'm doing!"

A full Julie & Julia refers to the 2002 movie about a woman named Julie (played by Amy Adams) who sets out to cook all the recipes in a cookbook from Julia Child (played by Meryl Streep). It's an adventurous undertaking, to say the least, and Julie learns a lot about herself through the process.

Celebrity Cookbooks

When Mindy wants to go "full Julie & Julia" with Cravings, she's positioning herself as Julie and Chrissy as Julia Styles. It's a compliment, to say the least, and it didn't go unnoticed by the chef herself! Chrissy left a comment on Mindy's original Instagram post, writing, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't believe this! So awesome. Thank you thank you!!!"

This isn't the first time Mindy has shown her support for Chrissy, either. Last year, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit model took to Twitter to vent about her unfortunate run-in with a racist while running errands. "I dropped by sunglasses this AM on Santa Monica blvd and this seemingly normal looking dude screaming 'f--king ch--ks always dropping s--t'…," she wrote. "like that's not even a stereotype. Get your s--t together. What a bad racist."

Just seconds later, Mindy responded, making sure to point out the ridiculousness of the rude man Chrissy encountered. "WHAT?!" she tweeted. "That's an insanely hilarious new racism I've never heard of before. Congrats, sociologically."

Some idiocy in the world is inevitable (as those tweets prove), but thank goodness there are good friends—and foodies—who stick together.

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