John Mayer Reveals His Skin Care Routine and Swiftly Becomes Our New Favorite Beauty Vlogger

Singer took to Snapchat to share his first segment: nightly moisturizing

By Kendall Fisher Aug 11, 2016 10:32 PMTags
John Mayer, Skin Care, SnapchatSnapchat

John Mayer has already created a successful career in the music world, and now he's looking to break into a whole new

The 38-year-old has a new gig he calls, "Skin Care Secrets With John," and there's no other beauty vlogger we want to watch anymore.

On Wednesday night, he took to Snapchat to share his first segment: a nightly moisturizing routine. 

"People are always asking me, 'John, what are some of your skincare secrets?' he began. "And I always say, 'That's an odd question to ask me.' And they always say, 'You literally just asked me to ask you that.'" LOL!

He continues in the video, giving step-by-step look at his "routine," starting by washing his face with ProActiv and using a bunch of products from Natura Bissé, which he describes as "mainly used by people in their 60s and 70s."

On-the-Go Beauty

Skin Hack No. 1: Mayer starts off by applying Natura Bissé Diamond Life Infusion using his "D.A.T." rule or the "Direct Application Technique." What exactly does this mean? He says that by squirting lotion directly onto the skin, the lotion doesn't get stuck in the creases of your fingers, which he says can "get expensive." (Considering the lotion runs for a hefty $590, we'd have to agree).



Skin Hack No. 2: Mayer promises that "eye concentrate is really just better facial moisturizer, but more expensive and smaller bottles." Thus, he applies the Natura Bissé eye cream all over his skin instead.


Skin Hack No. 3: In the next step, Mayer uses what he calls the "offset smile," applying Natura Bissé Diamond Drops—a "vitamin C and E complex"—in the form of a smiley face around his mouth.


Skin Hack No. 4: Mayer applies the Natura Bissé Diamond Extreme—which he says is "some crazy s--t"—on "Crucial Necessities Zones" or the areas he says he needs moisture the most. He then uses a Q-tip to "slowly work each one into the skin," taking about two hours (LOL!).


Skin Hack No. 5: The final step is spritzing on the Natura Bissé Diamond Mist Spray to set in all the moisturizers. However, he says it's "far too harsh" to apply it directly to your skin, and thus he has a technique: spray it in front of your face and headbutt it over and over again.

And there you have it. He concludes the beauty video by brushing his teeth and heading to bed, and we've now watched the story at least five times. Check it out for yourself below:

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