Canadian Announcer Apologizes After Confusing Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte, Sees Massive Support on Twitter

CBC broadcaster gets support on Twitter

By Kendall Fisher Aug 12, 2016 3:44 PMTags
Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, 2016 Rio OlympicsStanislav Krasilnikov\TASS via Getty Images

As humans, we're all bound to make mistakes, but what happens when those mistakes are made on a national platform during one of the biggest moments of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games? It's actually not as bad as you might think.

Such was the case for Canadian announcer, Elliotte Friedman.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation announcer confused Michael Phelps for Ryan Lochte as he called the entire men's 200-meter individual medley on Thursday, causing those in Canada to believe Lochte had taken the gold.

"Finally he's going to do it!" Friedman said while announcing. "Ryan Lochte is going to beat Michael Phelps in this event in the games, and Phelps might not even make the podium!"

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Obviously, Phelps was shown as the winner at the end of the race, taking home his 22nd gold medal, and Friedman made sure to quickly apologize. "I apologize," he said. "I got my lanes mixed up. Phelps with the gold."

He took to Twitter afterward and apologized once more. "I'm sorry everyone," he wrote. "I blew it. No excuses."

But despite the negative feedback we're used to seeing after a broadcaster makes a mistake—just look at what happened to Steve Harvey—many people actually took to Twitter to support Friedman, including several other broadcasters, athletes and big names.

Meanwhile, Phelps' win marked his fourth gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics, and the 22nd of his career in total.

Phelps also won one gold with Lochte at the games this year, taking home the win for the U.S. men's 4x200-meter freestyle relay race.

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