John Mayer Has a New Jewelry Line and It's the Most John Mayer Thing Ever

Beads. Beads everywhere.

By Dominique Haikel Sep 21, 2016 7:30 PMTags
John Mayer, Emmys ABC

John Mayer has a new jewelry line, and it couldn't capture his essence more than it does. The pieces are a collab with George Frost and are available in the merch section of his website. It looks as if there are five pieces total, ranging from beaded necklaces to woven bracelets. The whole thing screams summer camp with a dash of Coachella and a sprinkle of incense. It's also very reminiscent of middle school puka shells, which, considering everyone's obsession with nostalgia, he might be onto something. The line is perfect for those gentle and sensitive souls, like that questionable hot guy who plays acoustic guitar in the middle of your college courtyard.

John Mayer's Surprising Dating History
John Mayer

Honestly, we're into these, simply because they're so beautifully John Mayer it hurts. Who doesn't want to look like, or be next to him? If his jewelry brings fans one step closer to living out those dreams, then so be it. Bonus: these pieces offer that subtle sign that yes, you are indeed the campus dealer and you've got brownies in your dorm. I mean, come the eff on. This stuff is so functional. Did you know he also has a ton of other amazing merch? He's got stoneware mugs, plaid shirts and even his own flippin' Pendleton blanket.

John Mayer

The guy really knows his aesthetic, and we applaud him for keeping it real. That metal chain is our favorite piece, by the way. It says "Love Is a Verb," which in the wake of the Pitt-Jolie split, is just the reminder the world needs right now. In the event you are contemplating purchasing his pieces, they don't run cheap. The most expensive item is $195 while the least is $50.00. If that's too hardcore, you can get a wine tote (YES) for $24.00, a pin for $8.00 or a patch with "Love Is a Verb" for only $4.00. There is truly something for everyone here, whether you're a bead enthusiast or not. 

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