
Get a Six-Pack With Revenge Body Trainer Corey Calliet's Easy #WorkoutWednesday Ab Exercise

By Gabi Duncan Feb 15, 2017 4:00 PMTags
Watch: #WorkOutWednesday With Corey Calliet: Bicycles

No pain, no gain!

Guess who's back again? Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian trainer Corey Calliet has returned with another #WorkoutWednesday exercise for the core: bicycles. Sure, you may already be familiar with this simple move, but when executed correctly and consistently, you'll be amazed at the results.

"This is a really great movement that we can do at home, anywhere," Corey explains. "It really helps the abdominals, tightens everything up, makes you feel really good about yourself when you're done because you're going to be in so much pain."

Check it out in the video above! As Corey says, "Who doesn't want to do abs everyday?"

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